
This is a very interesting take on scaling back. I think I would love to do this, but there are certain positions that this can be a problem for. If you are in line to take over a company, there is a certain work schedule that follows. Especially if the owner is one that works around the clock. Small companies that

Love these posts Sean. As for the "kids these days" bullshit, I have heard this from everyone. It's nauseating. Who do they think came up with everyone gets a trophy, be politically correct, etc? That's right, they did. I sure didn't organize my own sports and give all my peers a trophy... Kindly bring this up to any

The only issue with the movie was that the pace was a bit slow in the middle. Other than that it was a great movie. If you want the comics, then go read the comics. It is pretty hard to capture all that info into a 2 hr movie. Also, the author just wants to look different than all the fan boys. You know he was on

Pssssst, all of these are on the Apple App Store....and probably developed for it first.

That was scary, please don't suggest such things in the future

Perhaps I missed it, but did you say anything on how your switch effected your amassed Apple ecosystem you talked about in the beginning? I would be curious to know...

Looks like the guy in your post WAS an apple employee and not Apple's chief strategy officer. Apples to oranges?

Ummm blue would probably be the most abundant color in nature???

They shorted it by a good $150 because of "coverage amount". They basically decided the value of the phone for me. Government at its best

That is quite a lot of riding in a week, where do you find the time???

Ha who gets an hour for this some magical place I should be working at?


I am going to reply to myself and see if that makes everything better

Are you guys trying to rival Adobe and Microsoft for the most annoying update schedule ever? Kidding of course, but seriously....

I would stay away from eBay and sales outside the U.S. I just got screwed out of an iPhone because foreign customs took the iPhone out of the package and said it was "lost". The buyer was refunded and my package came back with a charger and two made in China pouches/wallets. eBay/Paypal will not side with

I say the Kensington Expert Mouse 4 button SUPER MOUSE. I replace all mice with this if I can. Most people hate to use it when they are at my computer, but it is awesome for Photoshop and Illustrator

This looks so wonderful compared to the 99º weather that's coming today in Chicago. Take me there Google

I want the bike lock with STDs!

This is hilarious, yet puts the same fear inside my soul