Probably true; I also suspect that massive success and constantly being catered to can warp even the soundest personality.
Probably true; I also suspect that massive success and constantly being catered to can warp even the soundest personality.
Actual photo of pilot
There are marzens. I’d also think that an amber, brown, red, or scotch ale (or lager, so a marzen) with a hefty helping of rye and/or oats. Of course, beers made of actual pumpkins are an extremely old American tradition and not to be ignored.
Americans have been drinking pumpkin beer since before there was an America. Seriously. Because pumpkins grow really well here and there’s plenty of fruit inside them, so early Americans used it in everything - like pie, but also savory stews, and even beer.
Of course! It’s just down the road.
Southern Tier and Elysian make my favorite fall spiced beers. Night Owl and Dark O’ the Moon are pretty good.
I’ve never enjoyed a pumpkin beer, but it is a good season for cider.
Tastes like a slice of chocolate pumpkin pie. I get several bottles every year. Cellars really well if you can manage to forget you have it.
While you make a valid point, I submit that an Oktoberfest lager is an option, and also that maple is a spring flavor fwiw.
try stevens point brewery’s version. its god damn delicious, if you can get it in your neck of the woods.
I’ll definitely check it out. Southern Tier is a damn fine brewery, my third favorite behind Yalobusha and Magnolia.
Which is odd, as maple is a product of late winter and early spring, albeit shelf stable.
If you ever have a chance to try maple cotton candy, do it.
The “hot flavor” this fall is apparently maple.
Nintendo’s official canon (which, to be fair, tends to change without warning) is that Wario and Waluigi are just two weirdos who hang out together. They’re not brothers, which makes them even weirder.
Unions do a disservice to their good members (who or how many of those there are is another matter) by wasting resources and expending any good will the union might have defending the indefensible. Being a nazi and shooting people in the back are indefensible.
Yeah but we also made Batman so it all balances out.
Ding! This 100% percent.