
It seems to me that if a person has moral qualms about animals eating meat they should have moral qualms about keeping animals whose natural diet is mostly carnivorous and are generally adapted to thrive on a mostly carnivorous diet. If you care about the animals in your household it’s your moral obligation to, like

That’s basically my take. I know I can keep myself healthy on a vegetarian diet. I can’t be confident that I can do the same for my dogs. So the only meat products I buy or keep in the house are for them (their kibble and treats, chicken and rice when they get sick, birthday meatloaf “cakes” because that’s the kind of

how Donnie has been able to garner the support of his fans, while simultaneously pissing in their faces.

Trump’s America’s Nero, except he doesn’t know how to play any musical instruments. America is always less talented than Rome.

Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.

“When I started buying crystals, it was so out there. Not it’s trendy and everyone buys crystals”

Reenactment of the Mooch typing out that text to his wife.

If Scaramucci’s story ends with bone-itis, it will all have been worth it.

Pretty sure he’s this guy:

I try to let whether people have kids or not come into the conversation without asking. Ask about vacation for example, it will be pretty obvious if the person you are asking has kids or not based on their response.

I think the collective noun is a “pivot table” of Excel artists.


Thanks for giving me a laugh! I really needed it :)

Yes! Nobody’s saying your knees need to be pushed together. You just shouldn’t take up more than your fair share. You get one seat, I get one seat. It’s really not that difficult. (And if your shoulders are wider than your seat-nothing you can do about that.)

planning to expand the country’s economy... into tourism

Maybe someone ran a screen for her while she got up in her chair?

This has been and will always be called the Canadian Tuxedo. When did the Texas mess come about...

As a white guy living in the most multicultural city in the history of the world, married to a person of color...