I know this is a joke but there have been times in my life where I seriously wish there was a nearby underwear vending machine.
I know this is a joke but there have been times in my life where I seriously wish there was a nearby underwear vending machine.
As someone that’s gotten dumped in their own home, I gotta agree. I was pretty bummed but I was immediately able to grab some snacks, play some video games, and get on with my life. Getting dumped in public sucks though, especially when you’re in New York and need to take the subway back to an empty home.
Me and my twin brother went to New York Comic Con and dressed as Captain Kirk and Mirror Universe Captain Kirk.
In regards to similar family topics, I feel kind of odd about asking people if they have kids too. Usually if folks have kids, I find they want to talk about them. But sometimes just bringing it up may touch on some other pressures. They may be trying to have kids and are having trouble, chose not to have kids but…
I’m also wondering if Patty Jenkins legit wants to make another studio superhero film. It’s not an auteurs game anymore and it doesn’t sound like there any small amount of studio interference while making the film. With the success of the first film and pressure for a second to do even better, she may even find…
I had a drink over there the Sunday before the press release. The drinks were actually really good but I remember the 40's above the bar feeling really odd. The woman working the bar who I now understand to be the owner also seemed weird especially when said she was putting on her country mix. I’m like “Really? You’re…
Ok, honest question here. Who the heck is jerking off into socks out there? This is one of those things I found out about as an adult and was horrified by. It’s hard enough to find two clean socks that match in the morning. Why would I run the risk of one of them being loaded with simple syrup?
Good point. I’ll change it.
Oh god. The bubbles. I hate the bubbles. There is a way to disable it, but like all Facebook settings, it’s seemingly intentionally buried beneath a trash heap of menus.
I know this article is trying to be helpful but my impression of Facebook messenger has been largely negative. It’s usually the place where all the people who intentionally don’t have my number reach out to me. Like, oh hey, old annoying coworker from three years ago that is now selling “investment opportunities”…
Great advice! I have an added caveat where I’m an identical twin. At social events, I often run into people that recognize me when I don’t recognize them and I have to wrestle with the question of whether they’ve met my brother or I’m simply forgetting who they are. I was once waiting for him outside his office and…
Just wanted to say that if anyone really wants to see a naked Time Lord just watch The Crown. It’s pretty much “Matt Smith’s Naked and Oddly Compact Butt: The Show”. You’re welcome.
But why? As a grown man am I not allowed to ever sit down? And is a woman more entitled to it than I am? If there’s an open seat and no one else is taking it. I’m sitting down.
Agreed. I don’t know where people got the idea this was behavior only something people with balls pulled. I am constantly being elbowed and knee-knocked by folks of all biological configurations on the train.
I’ll give up my seat for the elderly, physically disabled, and children but I feel it’s almost condescending to offer it to someone simply because they’re a woman.
When you dressed waaaaayyy too fancy for an event. She must have gotten left out on that mass text where everyone was like;