
How long does the “give him a chance” phase last?

I pretty much always assumed these guys were in a very unhealthy, decades-long, relationship.

Seriously. If we’re gonna talk about gay Disney villains look no further than this power couple.

I mean, he’s tweeting everything that pops into his head and is primarily using a unsecured Samsung Galaxy S3. The guy isn’t exactly on lockdown.

I love werewolf and Secret Hitler is great. I also recommend Shadow Hunters if you like identity games. It’s got a bit more crunch but you basically spend the first half of the game figuring out who your allies are and the second half killing each other with katanas and chainsaws.

Lift weights and snort cocaine! AAAHHHHHHHHHH

Oh my god that episode broke my heart/made my laugh hysterically. The scene where he actually breaks the news to his wife in the kitchen was multiple levels of messed up. Five Stars

This is gold. Plus Affleck looked dead on the inside on the Justice League set, but then again everyone looks sad next to Jason “Muhalo” Mamoa.

Or constantly being in hiding from the government for decades and existing as a legally second class human being.

I love the #doittherightway hashtag. It somehow insinuates the myth that undocumented immigrants had an option to come in here through the proper channels and instead went the easier route.  

Books, batteries, and a FREE game download?!? You spoil me, Walmart.

Word. And some people do a little of both! For no other reason that they just may happen to meet people they like. So, don’t go finding a racial pattern in someone’s dating history like they went back to black or must be done with spanish chicks or they got yellow fever or they remembered white chicks are the best or

For real. I don’t know. Somehow Obama making Iran deal=Obama easy on our enemies=Obama easy on Russia. Therefore Trump is opposite of Obama means Trump will be tough on Russia.

A coworker of mine voted for Trump because he believed he was going to be tough on Russia.

There’s nothing really about John Wick being white that’s integral to his story or character. If someone took the godfather, however, and cast a bunch of Japanese guys as Italians, yes, it would be extremely bizzare and confusing, especially if they kept it set in both Italy then early Twentieth-Century New York.

I know a guy that waited until marriage. When I asked him a year later how the sex was he responded “Oh ya know. Married life. Barely do it that much.”

I don’t know what it is but I always end up dating new people during the holidays and got to navigate these semi-awkward waters as a result. Me and the girl I’ve been exclusive with since last month (we’re both not even super comfortable with using “boyfriend/girlfriend” yet) had the Valentine’s day talk last week.

I grew up with purebred labrador retrievers and although I love them to death, I got to admit they are as mutated as seventeenth-century Hapsburgs. People buy purebreds because they expect them to be healthier and have more predictable personalities but experience has shown me otherwise. Totally adopting a shelter

Seriously. Let some students have a look at them and go support some new artists with all that dough.

Brb gonna do two shots of tequila and sit down for a bit...