
Oh so that’s what Mama June looks like now. I only bring it up because all the “from the web” links on your site keeping telling me I “won’t believe what (she) looks like now!” Is there anything I can do to get rid of them other than mark them as “misleading” or “offensive”?

Great advice and you see this problem a lot with young creatives. Everyone wants to be the next JK Rowling or the next viral sensation. What’s really most important is finding your unique voice as an artist and finding an audience that resonates with.

Eh, I don’t see the US ever getting back into production again, especially for China. Not when all the manufacturing is going to Southeast Asia right now. Even in a dystopian bizzaro-world, manufacturing jobs are not coming back to the US.

Knowing Donald Trump’s tweets about the Apprentice, he seems to be especially concerned about TV ratings.

The Pawgrrration?

Ugh. This story again.

I get what you’re saying but, to play devil’s advocate, I’d argue that if visibility is that low, most people shouldn’t even be driving. And while the technology might not be there yet, we could see a day where driverless cars are more able to handle treacherous driving. Heck, with infrared, cloud computing, and other

They still can’t turn us into vampires though, right? :\

Running a game for like the second time in my life this weekend and this is just what I needed!

Toby Keith is a little all over the map. He was a registered democrat but then went independent in 2008. He said he was going to vote on the republican ticket in 2008 because although he liked both Obama and McCain, he liked Sarah Palin a lot. Since then he’s gone on record as supporting Obama’s policies regarding

I see no downside to this as long as we keep getting a strong variety of shows and scaled back expectations for audience size. If every show has a huge budget and needs to be a traditional Nielsen’s rating mega hit to succeed, then we’re going to get nothing but mediocre four quadrant shows that are cancelled after

My mom used to do this kind of thing with my family growing up except she usually filled the starter list with 2 places she liked and three garbage places nobody would want to eat at. Naturally, me and my three brothers would instantly disqualify the three garbage ones. My brothers would then ignore my pleas for

My brother lives out there with three roommates and it blows my mind how much he pays for just that. His roommates want to live out there because they’re all overworked at Goldman Sachs and want a quick commute back to the city after 12-14 hour days. I mean, you feel stupid renting anything in NYC compared to the rest

Clicking this article;

Thanks. That’s what I want to avoid.

30 y/o and I’m single for the first time in a while but I’m worried I’m having the opposite problem. I’ve been seeing a few women casually and they’re all starting to move into third date territory and I don’t know how, when, and if to end things with any of them. And I don’t know what they’re expectations are or if

Eh I think Skyrim does a pretty good job of creating smaller, more self-contained experiences that you can enjoy in shorter play periods. But it makes sacrifices when it comes to crafting a focused, epic tale.

Ugh we’re seriously going for this Malthusian nonsense again? We already had a bunch of plagues and we bounced right back from them. You want population decline? Improve women’s rights. There’s a reason why populations decline in communities where women are economically independent, get married later in life, have

Yeah like I firmly believe that there’s a lot of bias and brutality in the NYPD and it’s an important topic but there’s really no need for the article or headline to focus on them here. It just feels forced when the real focus should be how someone stepped up and stopped the type of assault that is way too frequent

They’re ninja turtles but they haven’t been teenagers since they competed their bar mitzmahs and became men.