
I think you need to blow a ram’s horn or break some glass to get her to tell you. I’m a gentile that went to Hebrew pre-school, so my expertise is a little fuzzy on this stuff by now. Oh! And ninja turtle yamachas are awesome and your mom should totally let you get one.

I’m trying to think what the best case is for an actor in movies these days. It’s like the top paying roles are either as a superhero or in a biopic where you’re more or less constrained in a safe role the studio will bankroll to the awards. Under that is a multitude of comedies and remakes (co-starring Dwayne

I’m going to respectfully disagree and say Liam is the Hemsworth you go for when you can’t handle all the hotness of Chris. He’s the gettable boy next door of the Hemsworth household. Like, you see both of them at a bar but buy Liam a drink because he’s probably more in your range and there’s no way Chris is single

I tried watching the first few episodes of season 2 and it just felt like they writers were now aiming for the maximum amount of retweetable events every episode rather than any actual storytelling. Not that Season 1 was high art but there was an actual structure to all the alliances and motivations that were going

I like both those shows but they tend to depress me by how caustically accurate they are in regards to our political/corporate systems. Like, I'm laughing but also groaning because they're so freaking true.

Hot damn. That was a funky beat.

Yeah and who knows what the commitment would look like for a series. I can only imagine thinking you got one movie left and then people start talking about a show that could theoretically go on for six seasons...followed by another movie!

Ya know what? I’m not going to blame her for dodging this particular bullet. This seems like a franchise with dwindling interest and the TV show seems like a weird effort to keep the ship afloat. And she's already done like three of this things! The idea of doing an entire TV show after that many films has gotta seem

Man, I love this article. Ever since I became a project manager and had to actually lead people, I’ve caught myself falling back on Star Trek for how to work with people. It also helped that Star Trek was also about people working in teams that comprised of many different cultures and backgrounds. My office is very

Lucky! I had a similar accident but just ended up slipping into an extended coma where I thought I was in King Arthur's court. Lost the whole season going through physical rehab afterwards.

Good for her. We all know how this works; First time. Shame on him. Second time. Shame on him again. Third time. Yeah that's also on him, come to think of it. What the fuck is his deal?

Yikes. It's kind of messed up but I think the reason I date people that look very different than me if because I'm subconsciously terrified of this happening. Maybe not a sibling but some long lost relative.

Depends. You got a guy named Nicky or Ritchie in your family?

It’s a very Italian story with very Italian very old people. So, naturally it’s going to be a rollercoaster of emotions. My Nanny and Pop Pop are both 90 and every conversation goes a little like this; “Oh, isn’t this nice, the whole family is here. The whole family...oh, we have such a big family (sobbing) such a

It’s especially dumb racism. I showed this to a few of my Indian friends and their first reaction was simply confusion. Like “But...he’s Indian.” There's already enough racist stereotypes and slurs Indian folks got to deal with. This dealer made an ass out of himself in so many ways.

Cool. I know where that is. Grew up in Cranford.

Ugh Paramus? You mean the town where you drive to thinking Ikea is going to be open but then remember once you get there that everything is closed in Paramus on Sunday? Man, fuck Paramus (and, yeah, sorry Paramunans. But it had to be said).

Not gonna lie, I clonked my head a good couple of times lol.

Seriously. Edison, NJ alone is like the New Delhi of the West. I've met people literally in India who know where it is. That being said, this type of behavior is upsetting and idiotic but not entirely surprising. You got a lot of old school morons in NJ that still see Indians as a new group that is invading their

Yeah it was almost expected on my team that on the last lap of a 100 you wanted to shoot for only one breath and on a 50 the last lap was breathless if you could pull it off. Of course, my main event was backstroke so I kind of had it easy with the breathing thing lol.