
Yeah my swim coach in college always drilled home how important breathing (or minimizing breathing) and turns were, as well as knowing how many strokes you had to get from one end of the pool to the other. It's worth mentioning too that not everyone has a good enough kick to get them that far down the pool and

You're right. It's cheaper and better. I lost my credit card when studying abroad in Shanghai and managed to live off 100 bucks for a month on soup dumplings, meat buns, and pineapple pork. Best month of my life.

Seriously, you can hear wolves and bears coming from a mile away but big cats just friggin' drop on you and drag you away by the neck. They are not to be messed with.

I kept waiting for the bit where someone drove a vehicle into a building/animal/crocodile while on controlled substances. Or at least something involving a katana, firearm, or human teeth. Instead all I got was a familiar story about AirBNB being shitty for neighbors and a story about the building’s previous owner

Yeah he seems much more suited for generic late night. He’s a charming guy with a good sense of humor that will read out jokes on current events every evening but that’s not what the Daily Show is. Stewart, Colbert, and the rest of that school took on the ludicrous landscape of post 9-11 Political pundits and fought

Yeah, like his standup works because he’s gently explaining terrible things like colonialism in an understated and wry way. But I don’t think the political landscape is really apt for that kind of approach. When you’re parodying and challenging the type of nutso pundits out there, you need to equally if not more

I saw her and her boyfriend at Party City a year ago.. They’re both very tall and good-looking in person. It was like being in the presence of gods. My girlfriend whispered down the aisle to Jessica Williams that she liked her show and she put on this really goofy and sweet smile and said "Oh! Thank you!!". We then

It's that same raw anger that Stewart had that Trevor Noah just hasn't got going for him. John Oliver's got it, Samantha Bee has it, and so does Jessica Williams. It's like they're so genuinely incensed and shocked by current events that all they can do is channel that passion into blistering humor. I think you need

I remember asking my mom for “Hordes of the Underdark” as a kid and her blinking and saying “Whores of the What? Excuse me?”

Nah. In Earth 214, Gore actually won the election and everything was just kind of fine for a few decades. Like, think 1998 but for 20 years.

Just shy of shouting this out.

It’s something a lot of guys don’t understand about cat-calling either. Like “Well, why don’t you just tell them off?" Uh-huh and what if one of them is a psycho that starts getting all pissed off and going "Oh what? You think you're better than me, bitch?" Guys are scared that if they reject an unstable girl she'll

Right? That’s what makes it really feel like it’s multiplayer for a single player campaign. There’s all these factions that don’t come into play. TFT2 was a red team versus a blue team from the ground up. That relationship doesn’t even need more but they put it in anyway. To be honest, Overwatch didn’t even need the

I almost feel as if this is going to become akin to fighting game lore. There’s ton of characterization behind Ryu, Chun Li, and Blanka but you never exactly see that story resolved in game.

WoW at least has an element of exploration to it. You can wander around and inhabit the world, even if the story can feel a little constrained at times. None of that is gonna be in Overwatch. I guess I’m just expecting an entirely different experience than what Blizzard is designing for. And yet these videos keep

These videos have been pretty sweet but I’m starting to get more irritated with each one released. They’re setting up this cool storyline and world when all the game is going to be is competitive multiplayer. It feels like an enormous tease and might even be kind of misleading for someone that hasn’t been following

I feel like taking my jacket off and sitting down on a lounge sofa with a glass of brandy that trailer just handed me.

Yeah this all seems really experimental. Which translates in MMO terms to” people will try to find a way to exploit the hell out of this”. It’s why WoW slowly evolved from an open world pvp game to a series of closed, tightly-controlled, cross-server instances.
