
I almost feel as if this is going to become akin to fighting game lore. There’s ton of characterization behind Ryu, Chun Li, and Blanka but you never exactly see that story resolved in game.

WoW at least has an element of exploration to it. You can wander around and inhabit the world, even if the story can feel a little constrained at times. None of that is gonna be in Overwatch. I guess I’m just expecting an entirely different experience than what Blizzard is designing for. And yet these videos keep

These videos have been pretty sweet but I’m starting to get more irritated with each one released. They’re setting up this cool storyline and world when all the game is going to be is competitive multiplayer. It feels like an enormous tease and might even be kind of misleading for someone that hasn’t been following

I feel like taking my jacket off and sitting down on a lounge sofa with a glass of brandy that trailer just handed me.

Yeah this all seems really experimental. Which translates in MMO terms to” people will try to find a way to exploit the hell out of this”. It’s why WoW slowly evolved from an open world pvp game to a series of closed, tightly-controlled, cross-server instances.


Glad to hear! We had a lot of fun making it.

Tabloids for me and my gf would read; The couple was last seen having a heated argument in the middle of downtown Manhattan about whether their car would fit in a parking spot. Bystanders said they could harsh words like “For the last time! I wasn't going to park two blocks back! It was commercial vehicles only!" and

Eh there are plenty that are merely boring.

Is anyone else’s nose bleeding after looking at all of these? And not in that anime, this is "sexy" way but in the “these hurt my brain” way.

I feel like someone got their adult swim in my Nintendo. This is brilliant.

This happens a lot with other minority groups as well. A great episode of Fresh off the Boat dealt with the dad appearing on television and how he was going to represent Asians. He was torn between being his usual goofy self and doing bad impressions or pulling it together to represent all Asians as well-adjusted and

Boom!… they’ve released two new expansions in the last couple of years. New civs include Indians, Inca, Italians, Slavs, Magyars, Malians, Ethiopians, Berbers, and Portuguese.

Been playing the second (or third) expansion, African Kings and it’s so legit it’s making me question whether I’m still in middle school or not.

I’d love to see this in motion. Preferably where the computer doesn’t burst into flames.

Ahem, please we’re not that touchy. It has to be a woman’s nipple for us to freak out. Men’s nipples are totally cool.

Yeah but that’s usually because the comic books they’re based on are good and they’re almost always straight shot-for-shot adaptations. Not that they’re not well animated or voice-acted but they’re not exactly creating new stories. I’d like to see DC/WB actually create a movie with a new story that borrows the best

If WoW is the big city for fantasy gamers then Skyrim is the quiet hermits cabin in the wilderness. I totally had to go out there after WoW and chop wood quietly to the sounds of nature.

Is this really what quantifies as a disaster these days? These statements are insular and vain but hardly damning to either the actor or production. Get back to me when Robert Pattinson starts talking shit about a Twilight film. There’s zero reason this should be cross-promoted on io9 or Gizmodo. No one cares about