
Good question. Basically, the game still had a large community playing it online with actual international competitions. So there was a market for an HD re-release. It wasn’t free, mind you. You still have to pay 20 bucks for the HD version and 10 for each expansion.

I dunno Age of Empires 2 got re-released in HD a few years back and since then has gotten not one but two new expansions. Might not be continuous support but it’s pretty wild that a game released in 1997 is still getting new content.

That’s actually really interesting! And yeah, everyone has their personal level of suspension of disbelief. I couldn’t watch the Lion King when I was a kid because all the animals weren’t eating each other. Thanks, ZooBooks.

It's like a he was living on a freelance photographer's salary or something!

Fucking hate that song. That and Alicia Key’s New York (the one where they scrubbed out Jay-Z). Anyone singing about inspiring lights and coming to NYC to find dazzling romance has never been crammed in on the C line at 6:43pm on a Tuesday listening to a crazed homeless guy shout about how he loves killing people.

Oddly enough, this is one of the reasons I grew to really appreciate Spiderman 2. Why? Because Peter is living in Manhattan and is dead broke. So broke he has to go to a sketchy doctor, live in a tenement where he shares a bathroom with people and gets excited about a party with free appetizers. Even a superhero like

I freaking loved that zone but more or less because it felt so disorienting. I literally felt like I was under the sea, complete with giant monsters and danger from all angles. I guess after three years of playing WoW it was refreshing to have something completely different. Can totally see how it turned people off

I would love to see one with open world naval multi-player. Or in the medditeranean or heck, just even more games that have that style of naval combat coupled with wilderness.

That game is like the perfect sister title to Black Flag. Heck, the plots even mirror one another in a lot ways. I made the mistake of playing AC3 after it. Really dissapointing.

I think it changes from one individual to another. Some people are still very racist or come from very racist families where they know bringing a black woman home will stir trouble. Outside of that, though, there's a lot of problems with how black women are portrayed in our culture. Everyone's either a super sexy

“Most American men are just unwilling to unpack their own racial bias.”

I’m a white guy that’s been living with his black SO for about two years now and she was the first black women I ever dated. Since we started dating, I’ve realized I had a lot of really weird and dumb biases about black women that, as a white guy growing up in suburbia, could pretty much ignore and never address. For

My dad took me and my three brothers to see this film. Ten minutes in he walked dazed out of the theater to the ticket booth and said “This can’t be the movie. Are you serious?” another woman followed right behind him demanding a refund. Even the best parents have limits for how dumb a movie can be and Pikachu’s

I’m really pumped for the Warcraft movie but I really want to se someone make a movie that captures THIS experience, the MMO experience. I played WoW for four years and slowly becoming wrapped in that game’s weird sub culture was something else. I met some great people (one of whom’s wedding I actually attended) and

I could have sworn in the Miramaxbox translation they actually called them “lepers”

Just played it after AC4 and Rogue. It certainly had a lot of ambition but it falls flater in execution.

I never got a chance to play this because all I had was a PC as a kid. Might give it a try now.

Like, I see godfundme sites like this everyday, for people that pay hundreds of dollars in health insurance every month. It’s not like they’re being irresponsible like the woman that drove the car. These are people that are paying into a system that ultimately fails to protect them from financial disaster as well as

So messed up. At first I felt it was a strange and funny story where thankfully the guy wasn’t killed and then I remembered the US Healthcare system is horrifying. This guy has years of payments ahead of him for something he didn’t even do.

So messed up. At first I felt it was a strange and funny story where thankfully the guy wasn’t killed and then I remembered the US Healthcare system is horrifying. This guy has years of payments ahead of him for something he didn’t even do.