Yeah and then have people complain the characters look fake. No one is expecting good looking food. There's basically no where to go but up!
Yeah and then have people complain the characters look fake. No one is expecting good looking food. There's basically no where to go but up!
I was thinking the same thing but then I realized how awesome this guy must feel reading this article. He may just be modeling food but he's the best damn food modeler in the biz! He's making everyone salivate just through his work.
Well, he worked in a different division at the time. So, it's not like he was involved with or affected by the project. Sony's a big company with a lot of different stuff in the works. I can certainly empathise. There's been plenty of times I've been working on a project only to see another team doing something that…
I honestly liked the Move. I never bought it but I tried it out in the store and got a kick out of it. To me, it worked a lot better than the Kinect. My friend at Sony later laughed and said I was the only person that had any faith in the idea.
Yeah reminds me of how well the move took off. They better go all in on this or it's going to do just as well.
By the time people start throwing around insults like "sushi dick" you have to realize this game is not taking seriously lol.
There's an easy way out of all of this, people. Just ignore them until they fade away and crumble to dust. It works with evil demigods, fey lords, shadow monsters and Paris Hilton. I don't see why it won't work here.
Hey, ladies! Want to bag a man? Give him a kidney. Guys love kidneys. Drives em' nuts.
That's a good point.
Yeah for me the shortage is never really an issue. I can get most titles I want just by going to the store same day. I also usually can't get a good idea of how a game is until weeks after released. This is particularly evident with mmo's and multiplayer games. Unless you were in the beta, it seems like a really risky…
This is precisely why you don't pre-order stuff. If a game is really worth fifty bucks you'll still want to buy it two weeks after it's released and all the play-throughs are online. Pre-order it and developers will still think they can ship an subpar product so long as it makes all its money before it even gets in…
Another thing I'm telling people not to do in memorial of me is post "R.I.P. Guard Llama" on the back windshield of some craptastic car. I can't count how many times I've been stuck behind a Plymouth Voyager in traffic and seen this.
Princess Jellyfish. It's on Netflix and it's absolutely delightful.
Princess Jellyfish. Due yourself a solid and watch it on Netflix. One of the funniest shows I've seen in years.
I don't think a Ted Cruz scenario would be much of an issue for Stewart. He's demonstrated numerous times that he's able to have civil (if not a little tense) interviews with people he has lambasted on the show previously. If anything, he actually listens to what people like Mike Huckabee are saying then and then…
Every time I hear of Screech getting arrested it's usually for some trashy creepy uncle stuff like this.
Mmmmm love me those paper, what?!? Sorry. Got to go check my email.