
The guy

Are we sure this isn't an io9 writing exercise? Lol

Doesn't work as well when you try to turn a seal into a woman....

These are clearly all his daughters who have teamed up to take care of their increasingly senile father. Get your mind out of the gutter. Sheesh.

The hundred pretty women in maid outfits doing splits would have been enough but you felt the need to also add pancakes into the mix!?!? You're not playing fair, Japan.

Great explanation. This is why I played Skyrim for the better part of a year. If the mechanics of the game are solid and the world inviting, I will be happy to keep logging in for an hour everyday and doing some small mission. I used to do this in WoW but all the people running around gets annoying after a while,

Worf realizes his apartment is right over that train station.

Unfortunately stuff like this happens a lot in China. People often think of it as a communist totalitarian state of the 1960's but it reminds me being closer to modern Russia's straight up corruption. The CCP has their hands in half the business there and lets them do whatever sketchy stuff they want for a buck and

Saw the picture of the Tupperware and thought it was gravy. Now, I'm thinking about what would happen if you added meaty flavors to brownies, like bacon....

Sexual dimorphism on the new race much? Reminds me of the Draenei in World of Warcraft.

(Just got done uninstalling. Looks at article)

Damn. Malacath does not skip leg day.

I really have a hard time giving a hoot about British royalty. In my opinion, we fought a war so we wouldn't have to pay them any mind ever again. And that was before they were just glorified rich people.

Now playing

I need to seriously get on that. I'm starting to worry I'm losing my dinosaur.

I feel like as soon as one comes out I'm hearing about the next. I guess they keep making money?

Lol yeah those schedules not matching has always been a red flag for me. People usually make the time if they want to meet.

One of the reasons I like is it throws the metrics of OKC and Match out the windows and asks you a lot of fun informal questions like "What superpowers would you want to have" or "What would you bring to show and tell?". Each profile is also headlined by what you would want to do for a date. It doesn't

This is so true. Always go in with an open mind. The problem is people make the mistake that actual dating takes place in online dating. Really you need to look at it as a place to quickly meet people that you can then date, like a bar or an event. Your first meeting shouldn't even really be considered a date but a

On the flip-side, way too many people get burned out when they find that perfect person online and then discover there's no chemistry when they meet them in the flesh. I've usually kept the online chatting to a polite minimum and then ask to meet up for a drink. I've made the rooky mistake of messaging someone for a

The only thing worse than regular Ghandi is Space Ghandi.