
I'm not buying it. Perhaps I've just seen too many of my Italian relatives bawl over miniscule stuff like they're kids going to college for me to believe the bored faces in this trailer lol.

It's not even a good or bad thing. The characters aren't showing any emotion. The dad could shed a tear or something. Heck, the girl looks downright bored to be going into space.

Right? The concept is tragic but the characters are extremely expressionless.

Now playing

Much better. Whoever does the Civ videos has always been good at the epic scope of the franchise but, in my opinion, quite lacking in the human emotion department.

As long as Ghandi isn't aboard one of those ships, I'm good. Escaping that tyrannical maniac was pretty much my civ's impetus for building a spaceship lol

"So this heart-wrenching sequence, where a daughter leaves her father behind - forever - hits me right in the guts."

Yikes. I actually almost pulled this over vacation when I wandered onto the wrong floor and tried shoving my "room" open. Luckily, no one was in there but I can only imagine how freaked out someone would have been inside. Sounds like something way worse was going on with this dude, though.

I totally agree with this. It's really distracting when I tell my phone to call my mom and instead it calls my ex-girlfriends dad.

Why did I have to scroll down this far to see this referenced? lol

She wrote an editiorial explaining this on ClickHole ;D

What a crazy premise. It's like a metaphor for that period in your life where you keep getting all these new, intense feelings and you don't know what to do with them and everyone keeps telling you what to think. God, what's that called again?

I've heard some people grumble about how halflings look too silly in 5e but I feel it's a great improvement. 4e art, by comparison, made them look just like tiny humans. If there wasn't anything for scale you couldn't tell which you were looking at half the time lol.

In Wizards defense, the basic rules are free on the site, containing everything you need to run a starter adventure. Plus, the starter set is only 20 bucks. I agree that 50 bucks is pricey. But it's a really nice book with great artwork and there's plenty of ways to see if the book is worth buying before you drop

If that scares you, I strongly suggest not picking up the monster manual lol.

I've only gotten to play this twice since buying it but I can safely say the rocking halfling lady is alone worth the purchase of the gorgeous players handbook.

They sell it back to the mobs. And the cycle perpetuates....

That game was nothing more than a straight up goofy AoK mod. And yet I still loved it lol. Plus it's one of the few media in existence where anyone would have anything nice to say about the gungans. Shield generates ftw!

At least AoE2 lives on. They just released a new expansion for the HD release last year and there's still a huge community playing it competitively online. As long as that Age of Kings DNA lives on and mutates in new and interesting ways, I'll be a happy camper.

Ya know what? I used to be an ebook hater but then I discovered reading on my phone and I have gotten so much more reading done over the last three years. It used to be that I had to carry a book around in a backpack but now my forgetful self has zero excuse. Whether it's on my way to work, in the bathroom, or on my