
One of the kids I tutored back in high school used to play D&D with his dad every week. The dad would DM for his son and friends. You could tell they both had bonded a lot over it. Plus they had like EVERY book on the planet. I'm going to be honest and admit that I made that kid practice a few math problems while I

I agree that the FR is a little generic but with all its lore and scope they could always do a lot worse. Did they make it any less convoluted in 5e? I found all the spell plague and Abeir restored additions in 4e to be generally needless. It was like they were trying to make FR more like Eberron while eroding the

I'd love to see Blizzard come out with a new MMO that invigorates the market while also keeping one of my favorite settings. That being said, I doubt we'd see much innovation. In terms of game mechanics, Blizz is a tinkerer not an inventor. It would just be WoW with more monetization and improved graphics.

Can we all just stop paying attention to her? It's that simple, everyone. Remember, Paris Hilton? Yeah, I don't either. We can do this, everyone! And it starts with not clicking on this article.

How the internet works;


I honestly think that was needed to help differentiate the setting from Warhammer. Subverting the "evil orcs" trope was pretty clever at the time. But, I'll agree with you that the story has been way too focused on them since. Blizzard and Metzen in particular seem to have no idea how to make the humans compelling

Also Kung Fu Panda.

Is it me or does no one look very impressed in this photo? Although I'll be sure to use this whenever a date asks me an awkward question;

At that point you almost wonder if she's mistaking the word of god for basic human decision making lol.

Anyone ever hear of God telling anyone to make a good decision? Like, "Oh, hey I was going to let my 401k sit around but God told me I should really talk with HR about rolling it over." or "God told me that instead of leasing a BMW I should just go and put a payment down on a Toyota instead. I mean it's not as flashy

Oh yeah I've done this too...on purpose! Yeah...on purpose....haha...:(

"Nail'd It!, a competition show about nail design, Sisterhood of Hip Hop produced by T.I. and Funny Girls about up-and-coming female comedians."

Hahaha oh Flor...wait, Massachusetts?!? I seem to be embarrassingly at a loss for .gifs. Touche, Mass. Touche.

The wrinkles and edges were a little jarring to me at first but then I looked at all the Blizzard art for Dranei. It's much more in line with the original design they had in mind and captures more of that ancient spirit. After close to a decade of the old model, I'm ready to give something new a shot

I beleive the older models will be available at lower graphics settinhs but I'm not sure if you'll be able to independently control which models appear on high settings.…

I played through multiple times just to see how many dinosaur eggs I could amass by the end of the game. I had an entire army by the final level with two T-Rex's leading the charge! Those poor hunters didn't stand a chance.

Chaos Island. Yes! My family got that game for free with my Windows 98 Gateway back in the day and boy was it was it a blast. Julianne Moore, Vince Vaughn and Jeff Goldblum all did voice acting for the game so you got to listen to Vince throw out such 90's quips as "Kudos, dude. You're rocking" and Goldblum

All depends who you're asking;

So, I'm confused. Is straight dog marriage still cool or nah?