
Dealer mark-up and flipper issues, to be specific. So, the thing Tesla was originally concerned about (people sucking up early allocations just so they can sell them at much higher prices). GM wanted to void the warranty on those types of sales to try and limit dealer mark ups/flips, not sure if that ever went into

Those no resale clauses are also much more successful for brands like Ferrari because they sell in low enough volume to actually black list someone from future sales for quite a while. Even low volume mass market vehicles (like Tesla wants this to be) are extremely difficult to control the aftermarket, as evidence by

I think the sarcasm was missed 😆

Am I the only one here who doesn’t have a problem with this and actually thinks it’s a good thing? It seems to be a straight up consumer protection thing to make sure the people who want these trucks are able to get them at a “reasonable” price. People who buy cars only to resell them at a markup are leeches on the

Yet when Ford did this last year it was cool? Not absurd? ;)

Off topic:

Now playing

Okay, let me give some context. (all the trails featured in this video are now closed as of this saturday)

That dark blue metallic paint is absolute *chefs kiss

Stunning accomplishment, and sounds as though it really thrashes the Plaid on build quality, fit and finish and level of luxury.  As it ought to at that price point. 

I agree. ‘08 and earlier Range Rovers are either dead or in the hands of enthusiasts. The aftermarket has fixed most of the catastrophic issues with older cars, such as L322 air suspension failure, so they don’t appear in slideshow anecdata.

The sentiment in this article is rich, coming from literally the most advertising covered website I’ve ever visited.

I’m holding out for Biden’s Klarna Debt Forgiveness Act.

Consumers with lower credit scores are more inclined to use a buy now, pay later option

I have a theory on that.  Anyone who buys a British car older than the warranty expiration date pretty much knows they are getting a basketcase, and still takes a chance.  True sadists (or those who REALLY don’t know about cars) take a look at a 20 year old Range Rover and say, “I need that in my life!”  

Normally, I’d agree. But it seems like this article is yet another anti-car hit piece from this supposedly driving orientated magazine. Why do you hate cars and driving so much, Jalopnik?

The most stupid thing the Lambo did was going over to the other lane at 0:33 when there a motorcycle in the lane already.

gotta love killing off useful programs while spending effort on this.

I am pretty sure this why people pay union dues so the money can be use to support strikes. Not to give as bribes to politicians.

I admire your optimism about how much California will regulate this shit.

but considering risk is predatory and unequitable!