
As an insurance underwriter in the UK this is mind blowing, I simply cannot understand how you can possibly write a risk without taking these things into consideration - got a 6 month ban and 3 claims in the last year? Your policy will absolutely be priced accordingly. Madness!

Ha. Leave it to CA to hamstring insurance companies like that. Anyway, requiring insurance of high risk areas at 85% seems like a losing proposition unless rates increasing dramatically. It might be cheaper to leave the market.

Unlike other parts of the country, California regulations do not let insurance companies consider future or even current risks when deciding prices

I think a lot of these are from owner operators, or drivers who don’t want to stop because time is money

That’s a bit much. This entire situation could have been avoided by one Hertz employee bothering to explain a couple of key things about the car and tell them how to find a compatible charger.

Exactly. It’s such a weird take to think that if we admit that SF has a problem with property crime like car break-ins, we are succumbing to the MAGAt bullshit about our cities burning.

I have no idea what ‘Brawndo’ means. I do understand the difference between motor vehicle theft and vehicle break-ins though, don’t you?

Property crime (such as car break-ins) IS rampant in San Francisco.

why is it sacred ?
before euro-settlers arrived - did they even have a concept of “land ownership” or was it - “which ever tribe was most successful in taking over this year “?

The tribes oppose the proposed mine on the Nevada side at Thacker Pass, citing its would-be location atop sacred land

The firearm was not “with” him it was in his vehicle.

Olson lives in Tucson, Arizona [...] which has far fewer restrictions on large-capacity magazines.

This is BLM-owned land. It belongs to the American people,  not a native tribe.

Oh boy, SF does not like guns. He is fucked. And also a moron.

Incredible that he left guns in an unattended vehicle in San Francisco and they were still there by the time the cops did a search.

structural weaknesses? what are you talking about? All the speculation here is around whether or not there is enough structural weakness (ie- crumple zones) to protect passengers from the inertial forces of a collision. That thing looks pretty well intact for having completed a full rollover. I think you need to work

Meh. Elon is an idiot and the Cybertruck is stupid, but if this is the result after a rollover test I’m not really going to get all ragey about it. 

You realize this is the top end model geared towards off-roading, not towing?

Mainly because it offers no discernable benefit over a traditional 1/2 ton pickup.

Size matters. Colorado fits in my garage. Full size truck does not.