
Actually, that’s how the road system works (...).

Children are told to be patient and fair under threat by adults who’s only authority over said children is because they’re larger and stronger. Adults realize there are times when it is in everyone’s best interest to bend a rule, or are able to accept the consequences of bending a rule and potentially getting caught

Not even close to the same thing, in a grocery store line the objective is the same, in traffic (OMG!!) we might be going different places for different reasons.

Even some children are “grown up” enough to see the value in bending rules when it’s safe and benefits a group beyond just the rule bender. By using the breakdown lane safely, one is actually reducing traffic...until a myopic, self-centered, emotionally stunted moron starts swerving around, riding down the middle of

Do those cars going by you harm you in any other way than a bruised ego?* If not, simple ignore them and focus on yourself and the cars immediately surrounding you. Driving in traffic is so much less stressful once you realize those people are no longer your concern once they’ve moved past your immediate area.

I’ve known many children more mature than this.

What if the grammar police need the right of way, and “your” impeding?

The fucking shoulder is for the following.

Are you that guy that gets pissed off when motorcyclists split lanes?

“Just know your just as stupid as they are.”


Yep, hazards totally would have stopped this grown child haha.

Mind your own damn business and don’t worry so much about what other people are doing.

I’m glad they chose a place with such stable weather all year round.

I’m so happy for this.

Would have been better as a haiku

It’s like how Gawker usd to be with Peter Thiel. Story a day. Sometimes more.

What’s so hilarious about these “doomsday” anti-Uber articles by Jalopnik is that you would NEVER know any of this was going on as a normal customer. I live in San Diego where Uber is extremely popular, I have friends who drive for them and I have never once heard a complaint from any of them, or the drivers that have

Good paying jobs that barely cover the $2500 rent on your studio apartment.

After 28 years there, I ran out of answers. Turned out to be the best move I’ve ever made in my life, even considering marrying my wife (as I don’t know how far we could have made it in NYC).