
I am eyeing the Canyon as well. That interior is tough to beat.

Depends what you mean by normal ads... they do run TV ads for example, they ran one during the Oscars.

Can’t afford

Yup. There is no such thing as free, only included.

Because we should fucking say so. 

There is a studio at the mall in Corte Madera according to their website.

Not an issue imo. Having more choices is a good thing. Not everyone needs to fly with a bag, so not everyone should be charged for one.

For drivers who don’t care about seeing what the hell is in front of them?

I am looking to replace my trusty VW Golf with something sportier and nicer

But it is wall-to-wall tourists, it’s all trendy foodie $$$$ restaurants and $$$$ shops

It’s a problem with American expectations of governmental competence generally, and it needs to change.

Finally someone who is economically literate. Take your star.

Yes! Their platform rocks. Super easy to find the best flights. Only major airline they’re missing is Southwest but that’s not Google’s fault.

aside from Maps and Youtube (which they had to buy) not a single service is even worth using

Welcome to the horrors of late-stage capitalism, where people are subjected to... [checks notes] ... being treated so well by their employer that they don’t want to leave.”

Lol. Nah... I have worked at Google. If their employees think working for them is mandatory its only because they can’t imagine having to give up the lavish perks.

I’d bet they could forensically prove otherwise, especially since the tempered glass didn’t shatter, but that kind of detailed investigation probably can’t be justified for an aggravated assault charge.

Not just engineers but tons of program managers / technical program managers too, many of whom make just as much if not more than engineers. PgM in particular is one of those roles that they use to artificially amp up their diversity numbers.

The reaction to the layoffs has really given me the feeling that some (ex) employees got way too attached to what is ultimately just a corporation. That’s not healthy.