
Thank goodness you were here to catch that!!! Holy shit, imagine what would've happened if you hadn't made that absolutely essential correction! You're a true American hero...

Of course Moses had an ark. They put the tablets in it and carried it around. Then Indiana Jones found it. And now top men are studying it. Top men...

And you, sir, sound like the most level-headed and rational gun advocate on this entire article. I don't really have much of a problem with any of that. Cheers.

My problem is not with defensive violence. If some home invader tries to harm you, I say you should try to harm them right back! But what I'm arguing against is all the blood-lusty gun-toting 2nd Amendment zealots who strongly advocate the practice of shooting first and asking questions later. Statistically, the vast

The only useful thing I've used the 3D "flyover" feature for was, when planning a day itinerary in a big city I was visiting, which involved a lot of walking from one place to the next, I was able to view and almost memorize my route in a more intuitive way, by being able to see the actual size, shape, and placement

Thank you for proving my point.

THIS! So much this... +2

I find it odd that The Wall has a phone number in the Minneapolis suburbs... LOL :)

It kinda.... ...looks like shit.

Blah blah blah...

"Saying 'grow up into a lovely woman' is a completely different statement than 'She's super hot'."

"...Not to jump into an argument..."

A) You're "evidence" is not evidence. Evidence needs to be factual to count. You've been brainwashed by Fox News.


"...That pretty much means that I've won the argument and you have nothing intelligent to say anymore..."

It's kind of adorable how you plod all over this article trolling as many people as possible, and then when you get called out on it, you not only accuse that person of being the troll, but you also delete their comment, like the whiny little kid who snatches their ball back and stomps away from the playground because

You're a small, small little weak man... I pity you.

You keep getting proven wrong over and over, and you keep promising to shut up. When can we expect that to happen?

Nobody's going to force you to watch the show the moment it airs...