
There's a very famous novel, which has been adapted into a film twice, which has almost the same title, if one substitutes "Ewok" for "Dragon". But that assumption is not the source of your sexism. Your use of the word "misses" smacked of misogyny...

Ummm, nice undertones of sexism, but I'm a guy. And my colors are spectacular...

(eyeroll) (yawn) Ok pal... You keep rollin' with that. Have fun with your pixels. lol

"...cheaper substitutes..."

Assuming everyone owns a refrigerator? Totally reasonable.

Of course I knew what Mwhite was referring to. But when speaking about color theory and the color wheel as it pertains to artistic endeavors, only pretentious douchebags would question the fact that the primary colors are universally known as red, blue, and yellow. Go troll elsewhere...

You never took art class, did you?

What would ever possibly lead you to think that???

Agreed... :)

To all the people arguing and raging over whether or not this thing is "sexist":

Meredith edited the article, which originally indicated that Arnie was writing...

I do want more Terminator! Just not penned by Ahnuld! Hence my analogy...

And wait: You think this news about A.S. writing a Terminator script is "good news", but Prometheus was nonsense?? (Bender-squinty-eye-meme)

Dude, the Mac Mini was clearly the "successor" to the G4 Cube. This new Pro, which is completely incredibly and rad, is its own beast completely...


"The screen does occasionally get a little wet when she is trying to give kisses to family members on FaceTime."

How could anyone who considers his- or herself a "Terminator fan" view the possibility of having a Schwarzenegger-penned Terminator script actually produced as "good news"??? That would be terrible!!!

You shouldn't let an 18-month-old hold something that costs that much money. Ever.

You know what would be awesome? If these wannabe pseudo-journalists would learn the correct usage of terms like "begs the question". It does not mean the same thing as "raises the question"...

Actually, the person who comments on a post over two weeks old with a Wonka meme would be the troll. What, I'm not allowed to have an opinion on a film??

"You have an obvious need to demonstrate your superiority on the internets..."