
Fiio's E7 + E9 combo is an excellent DAC + Amp combo that I've been using for quite a while now and am a big fan of.

No wonder Apple hasn't sued HP yet...

I think I just came a little.

Ugh, why couldn't they give me that option when I got mine? Matte finish all the way.

Oh yeah, it definitely went back in time.

I was wondering the same thing, actually.

Did anyone else see the header image as some sort of horrible spider that was on fire or some other terrible thing while looking at the miniaturized version at the bottom of some other Gawker site? Because I did.

Oh I am soooo buying some of these.

Sure, I can somewhat see why they would have to sue Samsung but then how do you explain them suing Motorola? The Xoom looks nothing like any iteration of the iPad and seems like nothing more than Apple trying to take one of their rivals off of the market.

Well, my guess is that Samsung has this thing that apparently Apple lacks...something called class...

To me, it seems like Apple is finally acknowledging Honeycomb tablets as legitimate competitors in the tablet space and they're angry that they now have to share their pie. So, what do they do? They sue everyone with a tablet that could even remotely pose a threat to the iPad to prevent their rivals from selling them.

No, no, I just didn't like the way he looked when he was revealed. Like I said, everything came together in the films (amazingly well in the case of The Joker) so I'm not going to get all riled up in this case.

Meh. Each Nolan produced Batman film has had elements that I've either strongly disliked (Bale's voice, Ledger's Joker) or outright hated (the Tumbler) when they were first revealed and they've all come together in the films so I'm willing to give Nolan and Hathaway the benefit of the doubt here.

Gizmodo must really hate Android if they think that Windows Phone 7 stands a chance of beating it...

Knew it wasn't just me. The design is alright but I'm entirely skeptical because of the screen on that thing.

The Vita is an amazing piece of hardware but in an age of iPhones and Android phones becoming legitimate mobile gaming platforms, I can't see it taking off. The 3DS is already a herald of the change that has befallen the handheld industry. Sure, its struggles in the marketplace can be attributed to the lack of "killer

No to the top three. Can't stand short hair on women. Personally, I'd love to see #4 win but I know that ain't happening.

Fantastic. Now everyone's going to be blaming videogames for causing this terrible tragedy. I can't wait to see how this nonsense plays out.

Oh so that's why the Panasonc FZ40 I JUST BOUGHT from Newegg was on sale...

Meh. I'm too happy with my Viewsonic G-Tablet to be interested in any of the Honeycomb tablets right now, much less this one.