
"It does look very similar to the InCase cover but that's where it ends... looks."

Of course. But those don't matter. Everyone knows Apple invented everything. It doesn't matter how many times it's been done before, when Apple does it, it's brand new and "innovative".

Umm...did you not read the title or something?

Yeah okay. I'll believe that when I see it.

Well, I first hope that this info is legit and they're not just releasing the names and addresses of innocent people.

@tidymaze: Of course, but Ernesto Guevara just doesn't have the same ring to it, you know? :)

I think Che Guevara would have a rage induced aneurysm if he was alive to see what has become of his likeness...

Catch you on the flipside bro.

Well...after seeing that, I think I'm going to hold off on having chicken for a while...

Dear LulzSec,

Well, if this is true, it had better be "free" (IE included with the payment of Live fees) or I'll be giving this one a pass.

Seems like a nice idea but I'm still not down with living in the cloud just yet. I like having my stuff on tap whenever I want it on local storage.

Well, that seems cool in theory...too bad it doesn't work too well in practice.

"The Book of Jobs"?

I am buying the fuck out of those things the next time I head to the supermarket.

On Comcast, can't connect.

I guess but seriously, anyone who actually allows their fanboyism to permeate aspects of their real lives needs to re-evaluate themselves.

That is one of the ugliest ****ing phones I've ever seen. Please, Apple, don't release that travesty as the iPhone 5.

Now how did I know Steve Jobs' visage would be absent from this article before clicking on it? ;)