I'll take "Deadspin Race Baiting" for $1,000, Alex.
The actual sequence of events starts about a year ago, when Reggie Rose voices his anger with the Bulls' direction, moves on to a local reporter (Melissa Isaacson) reporting that Derrick Rose was healthy in February but refused (or his camp refused) to play despite the rest of the team getting hit by a bus (and…
Actually, saying he's "just a guy who keeps getting hurt" is a decent lack of understanding of everything going on with Rose, his camp, the Bulls, and Thibodeau. It is a colossal train wreck. No one can speak directly to anyone else in all of this. The Bulls absolutely hated how Rose (and his camp) handled his injury…
It would have been 64 but he rimmed out a five footer.
Yeah, but David Duke, in addition to his past as a leader of the Ku Klux Klan, has multiple ties to fascist movement in Europe. How you can equate him to a modern-day Thomas Paine is beyond me.
I think you're right up until the point where King further romantizes Riley overcoming his adversity. It's one thing for Foles to mention it, but for King to jump on the bandwagon so eagerly is telling, if not a little pathetic.
You know, it's possible to simultaneously loathe Riley Cooper while also acknowledging that he's "gone through" something. The only asshole here is the one cursing out the people who aren't snap-regurgitating the Deadspin premise.
Come on, Riley Cooper has been through a lot. For the past 8 weeks, he's been SURROUNDED by black people.
These guys are there by choice. They need to quit referring to themselves as slaves.
Please stop drawing the slave comparison. It does absolutely nothing to help your argument and is really inappropriate.
In all honesty, a decapitated ref really doesn't say much at all.
Slavery? No, no. If you want to know what actual, current day slavery is like, visit the people that make the shitty shoes that bankroll the training table where you shove more calories down your fuckin' gullet in one sitting than they see in a week. Then you'll beg to have your ACL torn for my amusement.
Fuck You.
Who knew Al Michael's drunk driving arrest would be relevant to this story!!!
Apparently the fans were shouting "ij nozpal" (pronounced "ee nople"), which is one of Turkey's most horrible insults, roughly translated to "I hope your mother dies and her corpse is ravaged by Greek horses until mid-afternoon." You can't expect a Turkish player to go on in constant ij nozpal.
Pool basketball videos are the white man's WorldStar.
"Hey! HEY MLB! Look over here! Check this out! So many syringes! What could it mean? You don't think...no! He wouldn't! Oh that's such a shame! How terrible! He completely fooled all of us! And he was injecting himself all this time with all these syringes! Which are totally in his locker and put there by him! What a…
Shouldn't he be subject to 50 games for first PED offense? Why anything but that?
Not to get racial, but a lot of these execs are coming from homes where drinking is normalised and then they go to college and enter mostly white frats and drink a bunch. I don't want to say that white people are all alcoholics, but it does seem like something that activists in the white community might want to focus…