
Remember The Rope?  As in, we’re supposed to climb that thing?  

Nothing about the smell? All those stinky kids wearing gym suits that got taken home once a semester to be washed? The locker room full of newly menstruating girls too embarrassed to be seen throwing away their soaked napkins, so they stashed them behind the toilet? Not to mention the junior high school bullies in

This was the line that let me know he was full for crap. That whole family dresses like the tailors know they are going to get stiffed.

What, you don’t like that sugar and Crisco filling?

Brazil, Uganda -- cool.  But +1 for mentioning Sophie’s Bar!

I was in Mazatlan taking Spanish and staying with a host family, whose mom used to serve “aqua fresca, ” which although it sounds like “fresh water,” was actually homemade fruit juice. It was really hot out, and I downed a big glass of some kind of plum juice really fast. Seeing that I like it, my host refilled my

I’m totally grossed out even pausing to think about the Pence’s sex life. He calls her “Mother.” EEEEwwwwwww! Just, eeewwwwww!!! On the other hand, Mike being a Mother-fucker is spot on.

Like that old refrain -- “Long and thin, slips right in.  But short and thick, now THAT’S a dick!”

Make his part of the responsibility that he has to pay for someone to come in and clean once or twice a week. It might help you deal with the mess knowing that someone else will do the major cleaning. No one should have to clean up after their spouse unless they want to.

Jeff Bezos (or as I like to think of him, Jeff Besos) is my favorite super rich guy. His smile just knocks me out. I don’t get all the people hating on him. Yes, he built a huge company that helped to revolutionize retail, and a lot of mom and pop stores went out of business as a result. They would have died from

Kelleth Cuthbert?  Kelleth?  Good thing she’s pretty because that is one hella ugly name.  Maybe her parents were preparing her to have a lisp.

My favorite Dr. Ruth moment was back in 1982 when I was waitressing at a restaurant where everyone except me was Thai. (I had very little waitressing experience and was hired for my fabulous native English. The majority of our clientele came from a senior housing project across the street.) Our manager always kept

I mis-read this as saying you were into being an adult baby, and thought THAT was certainly something not discussed in public before Dr. Ruth.

Dogs eat cat poop.  

Back when I was young and had to worry about getting pregnant, I used a cervical cap, and loved it. It’s like a small cup that fits way in back, right over your cervix. It takes some practice learning how to insert it, but is totally worth the effort. Bonus — getting fitted for it involves really learning about

Bangs are great! They draw attention to the eyes, making them look prettier. They hide lines on the forehead, which is one of the first places to show wrinkles. They can look innocent, mysterious, sexy and stylish. Long bangs, short bangs, choppy bangs — there is so much variety. I never understood the popularity

Reminds me of the time I was at the drugstore and I overheard a full-of-herself millennial say to an elderly lady, who was probably her grandma, “Well when you were my age, you didn’t have good birth control.” To which the old lady replied, “We had great birth control. It was called oral sex.”

It’s her. Something has changed in her life, and probably not for the best. Maybe she has an insecure (or worse) significant other who puts pressure on her about having friends from the past. Maybe she’s gained 100 pounds and doesn’t want to be seen. Maybe she’s going through some mental issues that make it hard

I know it sounds trite, but help someone else. It doesn’t have to be a volunteer activity that takes up lots of time. Go to a senior center or nursing home and strike up conversations with people who are also lonely. They will totally appreciate you, and as a bonus you can learn a lot from some of them. Many

True.  Oral Roberts is one of those phrases that sounds way more fun than it is.