
Use smaller plates. There have been studies proving that people eat more when the containers are big. A small plate looks more full and satisfying.

So true. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — just because someone is mentally ill doesn’t mean they’re not an asshole.

It’s an old trope. See: The Mary Tyler Moore show. Rhoda is always talking about being fat, and even in those clingy ‘70s knits, she looks great.

And they don’t know to whom the deceased wanted to give his balls — he died intestate.

First time bride last year at age 61. You bet I kept my name! Not only would it have been a hassle to change my driver’s license, passport, etc., but I’ve always thought I had a cool last name and my husband’s last name is more common and not very attractive (unlike him!) But when I make reservations or leave

My favorite Barbara Bush-ism, also paraphrased, is when she called Geraldine Ferraro “something that rhymes with rich.” She later apologized for calling Ferraro a “witch.”

Interesting. I thought it was the kids themselves that made parents age faster than their non-breeder counterparts.

I Have Fun Everywhere I Go by the hilarious Mike Edison. It’s the perfect antidote for these overly politically correct times.

Added to this — just because someone is mentally ill does’t mean they’re not an asshole.

I loooove a hot man who smells natural. That whole pheromone thing really does it for me. There is no synthetic scent that smells as sexy as a man who is basically clean but has just the right amount of sweat.

I see Uday and Qusay Hussein.

Now playing

Thinking about canning apricots. (Love me some hot, young Nicholson!)

Have you tried using your own hand on yourself DURING intercorse? Play with your clit while he’s penetrating you. That way you get exactly the rub you want. And he may find it exciting as well.

Googled a few of these people to see what they looked like. Mike Diaper is an ordinary looking Brit. Salami Blessing is pretty — I can see people joking about wanting to “hide the...” And Miracle Crimes — has a mugshot!

Check out 9 1/2 Weeks for some hot Mickey Rourke.

Kellyanne is only 51 and she looks at least 65. I wouldn’t take any health (or other) advice from her.

And while we’re on the subject of non-inclusion in product line, what is it with Lululemon thinking that all women have either large or saggy breasts? Small and firm breasted women don’t need a top featuring a shelf bra that binds them with an inch wide strap of elastic. Very uncomfortable.

What about the ads for pretty much all clothing that only show attractive people? Advertisement is supposed to be aspirational. Guess what — your teeth aren’t as straight and sparkly as the models in the commercials either.

My husband and I were at a very nice hotel recently and realized that the one thing missing was a cat on our bed. I wonder if there are any hotels that feature in-room cats?