
Exactly. I used the rule of “If they don’t make me feel good about myself more often than they aren’t a friend”. We don’t have to be friends with everyone. There are people out there better suited to be that person’s friend. Perhaps they have a unique skill set or perspective that will bring more to the table. To

Perhaps if they supplied it with “trigger warning: this post deals with the human body. If you’re frail,keep scrolling.”


Please do so I can buy it from you. Thanks!

Home coffee is for home. With an hour long commute using 2 modes of transport plus lots of stairs just to get to city I’ll take a “Starbucks-on-arrival” anytime since I don’t want arrive post buzz. Wrangling my metrocard with tipsy hands and a half full insulated travel mug is also not recommended by anyone behind me.

My FSA just saved my ass. Emergency room? Insurance. 5 days in hospital? Mostly covered. My meds to take home? Somewhat covered by insurance, still over $500. Cost out of my pocket after missing a week of work with no pay bc I actually took a vacation this year and had no PTO left this week? $0.

Maybe someone else me said this, I found this article through google wanting to see the new perfect amount to put. But you know? It doesn’t actually matter if you live here. I’ve gotten into the habit of, If I swipe and see I have less than $5, I try to pause and refill it with $20 before leaving the station where I

I put my bag on the seat exactly once, the first time I took the subway. 2 people told me to move it. The train was mostly empty. #streetjustice

Banff and Jasper are in Canada. Bring a passport. :)

However, the best scene stealing moment on a wedding day I have ever seen was when the MOH’s water broke during the reception. The bride was elated, “THIS IS THE BEST DAY IN HISTORY”

Shit no that’s not ok. That’s incredibly rude and selfish.

If someone had done this during my wedding I would have likely ended up with some bruised knuckles and 2 less people in my life.

There is a chasm of difference between “is paid well” and “can afford a Lambo”

Could it be the infographic means more the NYC food delivery people, it would be typical of Gawker to not include the suburbs. I ask because I work in midtown manhattan and often don’t have time to leave my office. I am not tipping the guy who walked across the street with my sandwich 20% however I will always give

yup!! I love Steve Lacey on the local Fox affiliate here in NYC but there's no way that Phish loving jocktastic dork would ever be on FOXNews

Right? That would be kind of wonderful and not at all super boring.

I was always told the simpler the compliment the more powerful. Ie: "You look stunning, wow." > "you look stunning, wow. That dress is amazing.". Unless the person made the dress it's a compliment shared with the anonymous person who did.

bizarre? Hardly. It's no more bizarre than when a potential employer calls a work reference and all that reference is allowed to confirm is the position you held and the length of employment.

sigh . No. That would fall under the topical category as well as information one could find on google.

pay attention and don't bother the receptionist.