
Get a better haircut you fucking retarded fuck.

Intentional or not.......”whereas Valbuena and Castillo were ejected from the car.” When you’re a’re a dumbass and get what you deserve. Can’t fault anyone but them.  Doesn’t matter what happened.  You have to lay blame to the people who made the choice.  If you’re part of the

Yeah, no real surprise. If you didn’t think that before, you’re naive.

Why anyone cares what the gorilla thinks is beyond me......

Maybe she’ll go broke paying them that.........

And neither will you.......dumb teen. Not even your grandchildren.

While some and I mean some of Wilson’s hits are actually legal, he thinks he’s mister badass and just got shown he’s not.  Sit the fuck down and take what you dish out or get the fuck out.  Your stats suck and no one gives a shit about you.

“she felt she “had to” continue with the fight”

National Felon League just breeds, why anyone supports this league is beyond me.....well maybe not......because it’s a bunch of stupid fucks who care more about a game than they do actual people.

Pennsylvania goons.......always goons.  This state is full of a bunch of hyped up losers.  Totally evident with this stuff.

Allegedly, hmmmmmmm another double standard?

Hope their shitty stock dropped........

and these are the pussy whiners who’ll complain about head trauma later on.........oh but you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing do you???

When you’re a’re a bitch.

No such thing Dan......become a real hockey fan why don’t ya........

That’s Kyler.......granted a helluva catch but also a helluva pass.  Typical Murray.....watched him in Allen for his time there.......was not a better HS QB in the state.

My thing is what kind of girl would even begin to have any kind of sex or even like the way this nappy ass fool looks???

Well we already know Boston is a bunch of douches anyway.......why is this a surprise.

Dumbasses in Detroit should be used to this by now.  City sucks, companies suck.

Unions are disgusting.  They don’t do shit for members except make goods more expensive for the average joe.  When push comes to shove, they won’t defend you for shit.