
Get the fuck over “your people” shit.  It only makes you look like the ignorant fool you are.  Of course these fucks are the ones who’ll sue later on because their heads suffered “trauma”.  How anyone can listen and accept shit from a fool who decides to get hit and hit is beyond me.  And people wonder why shit is the

Just like you have no idea what the confederate flag means.  Sit down fool.’re saying there’s something other than a shithead soccer fan?

Front Office personnel should never be in the locker room or alone with players period.  That’s not your job you fucks.  If it’d be coach but guess’re NOT.

Know what???? Stop being a bunch of pussies.  When I played ball, it was legal and we weren’t a bunch of whiny bitches like the Ex players who whine about concussions........bitch you knew your bell was going to get rung.  If you didn’t like it, shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.  No one owes you anything.  Just

Schumer is a fucking retard.  She should be in an institution because she had no clue about reality.

Of course.........he’s a loser douche piece of shit. Otherwise, he would keep hist nappy ass mouth shut.

Butter lettuce is better than any other lettuce!!!!

This fucking redneck bitch from the redneck town of Forney Texas should tell you all you need to know.  She’s a digger, has always been a digger and she’s not that hot.  Retire to your redneck shit and shut the fuck up.

Because their lazy ass parents don’t think they need to work or that they are being underpaid because they have a degree.  Get some experience mother fuck, you aren’t owed anything.  Mickey D’s has jobs.....get the fuck one.

Funny thing is, they are just as bad as the pilots.  Society always blames the males.  I know plenty of Attendants, my girlfriend works for Delta......who has been in the cockpit for the mile high club.......and yes, attendants push their shit on pilots.  Don’t ever assume it’s always the guys fault.

VPN baby, VPN

Thing is, what the fuck was their daughter doing to begin with.  Another parenting fail.

No it’s not. Women CHOOSE to leave the workforce for kids and pregnancies. While I acknowledge that they are’s a CHOICE they make.  

Mayfield is no Murray.  He’s a chump fuck who thinks he can make a difference.  Welcome to the club you stupid’re not making a difference anywhere.........Tim Tebow 2.0  At least Murray knows he shouldn’t be in the NFL.

Not targeted, and keep your fucking head up.  Total bullshit!

Just Detention International” worrying about shit that is true or not true outside of the US.  Get your shit together you spinless fucks.  People need help here first!

Florida.........enough said..........

Here’s all you need to know about this dumb bitch....

And that is exactly what I’m talking about. The screening should be severe and interaction with prisoners should be behind a glass wall with no access........but our fucking society is some lame ass wuss mother fucks who think they deserve something.