
The dogs were looking a little huskier than usual.

No big surprises here, rewards programs are there to track and control consumer behavior. What would be interesting to know is if casinos can use your card info to tighten up or loosen up whatever machine you’re playing. Emily lost three hundred bucks last time she played White Orchid? Give her back a hundred and

These boots are made for drowing
And that’s just what you’ll do
One of these days these boots are gonna drown and so will you

Waiting for the day when I never see an image of this rainbow snow cone tattooed rapist clown face again, the filthy piece of shit. All the punches forever.

I don’t feel bad for his family. They’re probably the ones that brainwashed him and made him think this was ok in the first place. This is the logical conclusion.

Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:

Who does Oliver think he's dealing with, Minor Peargray?

When the guy accused of rape

Air conditioners don’t “emit” hydryflourocarbons. They occasionally leak refrigerant (hfc, hcfc) (r12 r22) from what is supposed to be a sealed system. Upon discovery of the leak the remaining refrigerant is recovered in to a storage container and the leak is then repaired. In most residential applications the

Soccer players, always with the embellishment. 

The Oilers are 6-4, Barry. They had 20 shots in the first period, two off a franchise record. 9/10 they win that game. They’re fine. This team will be in the playoffs.

I was a submariner (specifically a Torpedoman) for 24 years, I’ve already arranged to be shot out of a torpedo tube at test depth off of Hawaii.

OH MY GOD!  This is one of my top fears, I fucking hate snakes.  I would have screamed like a small child and ran out the door never to return.  Fuck it, the snake can have my job now.

Now playing

If you’re gonna run from the police, the ceiling is not as good of an option as other methods.

That’s Yuan big snake.

My strategy? I try to think of hockey players and name them by last name alphabetically. Abdelkader, Brisbois, Chelios, Dineen, Ericsson, Forsberg, Gretzky... you get the idea. To switch things up I’ll think of minority hockey players or run through the ingredients and prep steps of pad thai or one of my other

This was one of the more tasteful ones, believe me... 

All I took away was, wow, they really have an appropriate stock image for everything.


Meanwhile, inside the patrol car...