
Tennessee......need I say more......

Funny how the masses and I mean masses of people in the World Wars saw way more than these guys would ever see in Iraq/Afghanistan but they didn’t go out and commit mass shootings. I’m sure a lot of those people from those wars were mentally unstable afterwards but in today’s society, kids aren’t taught how to deal

So what the fuck was he supposed to say???

Fuck people with allergies. You are the minority. You should not get special treatment.

Another brainless cunt.  Why people even give a shit......well because their brain matter is lacking.  Snapchat “Star”  only to the hoards of moronic fools who follow anyone on there.

Family should be renamed “BallLess”  because that’s what they are.  Total fucking joke show.

Well at least some dumb ass team is willing to put up with his mouth....

Good, cause the rest of the Nucks suck ass.

This was just a gimme for the sad as fuck Rangers.......

And that would be Beto O’Rourke.

We.......who’s we? Texas is just fine the way it is. We don’t need some liberal fuck who can’t even use his own goddamn name. Nor do we need Cruz.

Oh god.......of course he wouldn’t win......just like the bitch criminal Hillary didn’t.  And I didn’t even vote for Trump or her.

Wow and half aren’t even relevant.......or live in the US or have anything to do with the US.

Bring on that sexy ass Scary Spice!!!!

The tool to raise kids who aren’t entitled fucks or non responsible pieces of shit is corporal punishment. It’s been proven that when removed from schools, kids went downhill.

Why anyone would vote for a sham like him, I’ll never know.  Or for Cruz either.  Write your own fucking self in.  Don’t give these bitches the time of day.

Any sort of “reality” TV is total bullshit and made up.

Wow, not surprised.  Atlanta and its suburbs are full of poor blacks. 

Don’t golf asian.........

What the fuck is wrong with this? Absolutely nothing. Athletes......mostly male will gravitate towards this. Totally evident by the amount of Cowboys who either wreck their Ferrari or Porsche on the way back from the clubs.