
He is my man crush from hell.

Who gives a flying fuck? Normal people never heard of his dumb ass or his shitty ass if you want to call it music.

If your players think you’re a fucking fool......which he is btw.......then you won’t go far.  You need to understand how to motivate them or you shouldn’t be a fucking coach.

Which basically equates to.......everyone knew when the cap issues hit, things would change.  Did what he could with stuff he had.  Wirtz and Bowman’s fault totally.

It’s Rocky and Stan who fucked them up.......everyone knows that but they have to have a Goat...........

This guy is a piece of shit.  He buys data to blindly text people to vote for him.  Sure asshole, I get texts from your campaign.....yeah I’ll write in myself.

And why you should.........the millions of people out there who turned out just fine as opposed to the entitled/me degenerates that have been turned out.

One word that says it all.........”boy”

She fell earlier........she should not be able to win anything.

Well if you can’t do that normally in Winnipeg, then you don’t deserve to be in the Big’s.  Piss on you, fairweather fuck. if anyone believes or worships this woman, they are a total naive idiot.  She’s a piece of shit who is no better than Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz who are fake fucks from hell.  If you follow her, you’re part of the problem of sheep who blindly go where you shouldn’t go.

Girls.........don’t fucking drink to the point of blacking out.  You’re just asking for trouble..........Sorry, just a fact.

Because Dem’s are morons.........just like Repubs.  Although liberal Dem’s have been stupider for a longer time.


Wait.........the lowly Stars beat the fuck out of them the other night........He may be like a McDavid.......great but won’t help you totally win games.  You have to have a well rounded team and not one superstar.

millennials will be the death of this country because they only care about themselves.  Entitled society........

demanded an immediate rent reduction of 18 to 20 percent

And this people is why any boxer or MMA fool is just that......a fucking fool.

Jocks.........gotta hate em.

“How many times could she fall in competition and still win”