
It’s called don’t get fucking pregnant if you can’t afford it.  Simple fact.

“how pregnancy and the birth of a child can make unstable housing situation”

Just being prepped for the National Felon League.........

No one gives a shit about a has been......

This my friends is the definition of WhackJob.

Why???? Because she was a dumb mother fucker?  People that are stupid should get charged every damn time. These kinds of people should not populate.

Rightfully so.

No clue who this moron is but hopefully that’s not his real face.  If so, you’re a fucking stupid moron.

I know someone who was bit by one and it was probably the nastiest thing I’ve ever seen.  Dying flesh in a huge hole that had to be packed with antibiotics and gauze.

Wait roll 18 years without saying a fucking word?  Not that I don’t think Nassar is a piece of shit but my fucking’re a woodwork fuck and should have stepped the fuck up a long damn time ago...just like others who wait 30 to 40 years to say a god damn word.

Funny thing is.......they do.

Both bitches are fucking cunts.  Their music sucks ass and those who think it’s good have no fucking clue what music is.

Sorry but polling places are no place for kids. If you can’t get your shit straight and can’t not bring your demonspawn to a fucking polling don’t need to be voting period.

Fuck you sampling piece of shit.  Get creative or get the fuck out.

Who fucking cares? Only homer shut fucks. This dude was the definition of National Felon League.

Eli has always been overrated as fuck.  He’s a pussy bitch who shouldn’t even be in the NFL.

Abuse is not an excuse to enter a country illegally.  Sorry but you’re a criminal.

And this is how kids are raised today.

Who cares?  Their both nappy cunt bitches.

Just like Daniels, bitch you get paid to fuck.