
She turned out to be a ho, who would fuck pretty much anyone and has a mental problem as well.

Good, none of these fuckers needs to be here.

Really???? Have you ever been in the Military......oh of course not because you’re a liberal pussy who couldn’t handle shit. Armchair all you want but you’re still a know nothing loser who can’t handle real life.....

They’re all pussies who use any substance.

Tis because the NE teams are just as fucking liberal as Californians.  Eventually, you will succumb to the same shit California has.......broke ass mother fuckers who in the real world, can’t run a fucking state.

Another pussy black who thinks something is owed.  You are owed nothing and Collin is the poster boy who thinks he deserves something.  Racist or not........just the facts.

This fuck should no longer be allowed to play.  He should be on total drugs and sitting his ass at home with NO payment from the NFL.  You CHOSE to get your head bashed in. 

Awwwwww poor little whiny basketball player snapped his fucking ankle.  Get used to injuries guys in the NHL endure every day.  All other sports are a bunch of pussy mother fuckers.

Maybe she should have made a better choice..........

Damn, hope no-one is putting their dick in that ugly entitled piece of shit.

which means you couldn’t think for yourself.......

Man she’s a nappy looking bitch........

Thing is........she’s right.

Know what.........both these bitches need to STFU. You’re music sucks and you have no fucking talent whatsoever.

“Navigating my health care has been the hardest part of life after the NFL. Mostly because, when you’re a player, there is nothing to navigate.”

You’ll never see another sport fuck equal this.  The rest of the sports are pussy whiners.

It’s because defensemen were insanely out of position. Play you’re fucking position and this stupid shit doesn’t happen.........

Nah, it’s got two military installations there.......he knows of it....

Are you one of those California bleeding heart fucks? One who would vote for a waste piece of shit who can’t even use his own name? Of course you are. Not that I like Cruz but hell when someone pays to get data to blindly text you and call you to ask “who are you voting for? Beto or Cruz”  You know they are a sad

What the fuck is wrong with people?