
This tells you that half the fucks on the SC shouldn’t be there. 

This is the kind of douchy kids being raised today because their parents are as douchy as them.

Just another key to how Islam is a shit religion and is a fucking farce......just like all other religions.

One word..................Mexico.

If you truly believe are a hockey moron.

Fuck this fuck and his fucking fucking i deserve shit player.  You deserve nothing, you are owed nothing.  Sit down and take your fucking medicine.

Fuck the DEADWINGS!!!!!

Fuck union fucking fucks.

Player safety.......ummm if you can’t take care of your own damn self or don’t have the brain capacity to think for have no business in the business you’re in.  You’re just a moron.

Another example of a waste of a human life that belongs/has ties to the National Felon League.......

Fuck knew the risks.  Sit down and take your fucking medicine you fucking fuck.  If’re one of the most stupid fucks ever.

This just tells you that Football, Baseball and Soccer players are a bunch of whiny fucks.  Play in a real sport pissant!

Rightly???? What about her worn out pussy that she’s been paid for guys to fuck over and over?

Only 20 years old.........If you can’t make it in a true street suck.

“gymnastics fans found a tweet from just last month in which Bono posted a photo of herself covering up the Nike swoosh on her shoes, after the sportswear giant announced an advertising campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick”

Who cares??? Football players are all pussies now anyway. 

Fuck this deserve absolutely nothing........not a job in the National Felon League or anything.

Sorry fail to see that the rule is a player must be aware of his stick at all times. Getting tagged and just a bruise is nothing compared to a cut over the eye or losing teeth. Why don’t you go follow a sport that fits your warped sense of reality.

What a douche.......if you haven’t got the speed or the forethought to make the initial hit.....the shit you do should get you banned from the game for life.  You are the problem......not any solution.

Well.....Michelle is a moron so not far off.