
Whoopi is a fucking moron and trying to balance the “Race”  is a fucking joke.

Blacks supporting blacks no matter if their acting like douches or not.

What a spineless piece of shit woman. And people actually voted for her?

Well they tout themselves as the smarter gender but obviously if you’re in’re a piece of shit cunt.

And anyone gives a fuck why????

A tackle should be a fucking tackle.  Pussy babies of the NFL...

The NFL players today are fucking pussies. You get hit once a week you lazy fucks.

Well you fucking clown......don’t wear your hair like a moron....easy peasy

Typical Nigga attitude.   You stereotype yourself.  We don’t have to do it for you.  And until they keep calling each other Nigga........fuck this bullshit about racist shit.

This is new for fucking northeastern fans???? Gonna go ahead an say it.........anyone who supports the National Felon League is a pussy and has nothing to backup their choice.

I laugh at these fucks. They’d get their ass kicked in a street fight but have no problem getting their heads bashed in during a fight.

Tis she’s a spineless fuck who can’t let go of a loser piece of shit who decided to end his life in the most cowardly way ever.

And here’s the kicker.......accused...not proven. Your life is fucked if some bitch says anything about you. Whether you did it or not.

Azealia.........what a whacked bitch.  At least Lana’s music is tolerable.

Bitch can’t even save herself.  What a cunt.

Wait.....does “she” have a dick? If so....medically you’re still a boy/man. Once people get this’ll be alot better. You can identify all you want but in the boils down to what you have as genitals.

Know what? She’s right. Too many bullshit accusations totally ruin someone without proof.

You don’t fucking vote...........that’s what. If you can’t provide don’t deserve to vote.

And why shouldn’t there be harsh immigration laws?

Sorry but your butt with a puck stuck in your pants isn’t a goal no matter what league you’re in.