
Flyers..........all I need to say...........

Now he’s not acting like a pussy and acting like a hockey player who plays through more shit than any pussy football player would ever do........Once a week. 

Of course Caps got away with alot. Including the pic above. Other teams can’t deal with Vegas’ speed. It’s obvious. It was obvious last season.

For a shit talking piece of shit, glad this happend to McGregor.  He’s a waste of a human and should be beaten to a pulp many times over.

Dems are pieces of shit.........not to say that Repubs are any better.  The whole fucking slate needs to be completely redone from scratch.

Fucking Samsung.......Note 9 should be one of the first.

“At some point or another the NFL is going to have to answer for its inconsistent rulings when it comes to the safety of their players”

Another dumb ass cunt bitch..can we just kill them all?

May sound racist but my fucking god.....drop the fucking knife.  He alone made that choice and no sympathy for idiot people.

What a cunt.

Because she is a joke just like Ford is a joke.

Fuck the workers, fuck the Yankees and fuck the Sox.

Nah, islamic fuckers don’t treat women bad.....they just stalk and try and fuck over western women who come to their countries.

Oh puhleeze.........fucking caving mother fuckers.

Sorry but clean clean clean....Most mother fucks have no clue what a clean hit is anymore including refs because they target certain people. It’s a fucking sham that Marchand gets away with his fucking antics but they lay this shit on a clean hit?

Should be a lifetime do this shit in a normal job’re fired.  End of story.

All I got is..........”Fucking Caps”  what a bunch of classless pieces of shit.

Fuck you Saban.......end of story.

Funny because that’s a legal hit. At least in the minors. The NHL has gotten full of pussy refs. If they held to their minor’s a non issue.

And Conor should be arrested for being an A number one douche.