
“Questionable figure.” “Controversial.” Guy presides over a regime that encourages people to murder their relatives for being homosexual”

Cheating fuck himself.  Lovely.......

Who cares about a bunch of redneck fucks driving in a left hand circle all the time????? Oh wait.......only rednecks.

Bitch knew the took it.  STFU!

“Ramirez Suarez was convicted last month of battery, while the other charges were dismissed”

Whatever..Knights, Knights, Knights.....

“which made the racing great to watch”

Try that lob with a puck, fucker.  You and everyone else will fail.  Soccer is shit, hockey rules.

But it’s legal...

Only question is if he got laid or not..

And just like her dumb bitch ass Diane she’ll lose.  Women are too goddamn emotional.

I’d fuck her......

“The Only Good State in America”

That’s because McGowan is certifiably crazy........

Inhumane?????????? I see air conditioners fuckstick.  Shut the fuck up.

Bitch’re a political pawn.

Manning is a fucktard who should have been shot a long time ago. You’re a fucking if’s and’s or but’s.

What the fuck? Why is this even an issue. They burned a jersey......unless someone can prove intent......which they can’’s nothing.

Hey pussy Chung.......take your shit and shut the fuck up because you CHOOSE to play.....And don’t come back later because of CTE and whine about money.  It’s your the fuck with it.

Awwwwww let’s be a pussy now why don’t we.  Football players are as bad as NBA and Soccer Players.  Diving fucks and hell if you play football and don’t expect to get your noggin are naive as fuck.  Of course this piece of shit will come back and say CTE but guess CHOSE to play.