
This shit ain’t about preg women being vulnerable. This is about a crazy motherfucker who is a waste of a human life.

Yup, she fucked him.  You don’t have a pic like that in a hotel room unless you’re fucking them.  Hammer here dumb lying ass.

If he was in the country illegally.....then it’s not a racist’s a criminal thing. Bleeding hearts...get the fuck over yourself.

Dumbass MMA fuck has no clue about power tools.  Some people are just butt ass stupid.....

Just part of the football culture........and people wonder why I don’t watch or care about football.

It’s been proven that stretching beforehand doesn’t do anything.

Yo, if he can be around other sweating fools in basketball.......his OCD is full of shit.

That’s all you got? Don’t even refute the White House??? What a douche....

How bout you do the same.  The war wasn’t about that.  Slaves built the White House dumbass.

Just another reason girls shouldn’t go out and get shitfaced drunk....

Sorry, it still wasn’t about race but people can’t understand that. Then you throw in the fact that these people destroy property.  You aren’t are common criminals.

Not even gonna go fucking ridiculous.

Pearl Jam,,,,,,,iffy music for sure and just a bunch of blowhard douches.  Yes Vedder.....come at me bro. Fucking traitors.

Damn right it should have happened.  If you don’t like it and support criminals coming here then get the fuck out.  You and your anarchist people are a bunch of pussy cowards.

Well if you’re that desperate and doing shit like this which is shady as fuck...kind of deserve what you get.  Common Sense.....oh but society lacks the fuck out of that now.

Maybe, just maybe.......She should have thought about that before coming here.  Oh but placing blame where it lies is out of our societal norms now due to bleeding hearts.

Endangering a child.  Father should go to jail.......end of story.

As long as there’s religion, this shit will happen.

Know what? Shut the fuck up! So you’re wanting to bash someone just because they have a vision and made it true? So they don’t deserve to be paid?

What an ugly fucking bitch.  Redo your shit!  You look like a fucking cartoon character.  Why anyone would think you look good is beyond most humans.