
Know what? Fuck you people. I am not a Trump supporter but that was a nice fitting statement.

This is what happens when women pick douchebags.  Also, you don’t sleep for two days because you’re either on Meth or Coke.

Here’s the deal. The government is NOT responsible for your well being.

Of course no one will blame him for not being hydrated and ready to go......but that would be wrong....

And there should be no appeals for people caught on video committing the crime.  That should put them first in line to be put down.......

Think the research is flawed.  Black Widow’s have been prevalent in the Texas heat for years.  I’ve got one in my garage right now and have even seen a wall of them on the outside of a building in summer.

And she used to be sooooooooo hot.....

And what did Obama do about the VA?  Absolutely nothing.  Move the fuck on.

Once again trying to put one race above another. Earrings shouldn’t specify a should be replaced with ALL.

Who cares?  Still fucking criminals who CHOSE to put their kids in that situation knowing full well the consequences.

Good, it’s not a PROFESSIONAL job. Get your fucking education and shut the fuck up.

Dont like it??? Don’t fucking fly.

Fuck Randy Moss too. You had your time and then you became a bitch. Learn when to get the fuck out. Plus, just because you put names on your tie doesn’t make you all sympathetic and shit.

Fuck TO, he’s a pussy and thinks he was gods gift to football.  Wake weren’t and never will be.  You are not special and you are just a piece of shit like most NFL players.

Know what?  Get a sack Evangeline......If you didn’t want to do it......then don’t fucking do it. And don’t whine about it later.  You are part of the problem.......blaming others for a choice you made.  You totally lack a backbone.

Ok, enought about this shit.  Twenty years ago!  Either shut the fuck up or bring it up when it’s relevant and not later.  Total bullshit.  Women can ruin a guy whether he did it or not because of their mouth.  Totally insane.

Sad for sure, enjoyed watching her. She was definitely on character.  RIP

If she is, she’s a fucking fool.  Plus why would anyone want to put their dick in that shit?  And Assange......why would anyone want to fuck a traitor?

“High school is terrible. Don’t do it. I don’t recommend it. It sucks, but that’s fine. You’ll get past it,”Get the fuck over it......same shit has happened in high school for eons and will continue to.

Winking, saying you look nice.....same as catcalling.  This shit has gotten out of hand.