
Your lead pic just justifies the sexy aura of women who vape......

I don’t know why this is such a big deal for people....

Serious child exploitation.  Dad should be in Jail.

For a chef, he’s a moron. Waygu isn’t the best beef. Here’s the reason why “high-grain diet” Cows aren’t meant to eat grain. They are grass feeding animals, always have been and always will be.  Grain only fattens them up taking away the value.  Think Iowa corn fed beef.  It’s shit.

You’re paid to play a character that writers write about. Don’t like it, walk away.

Know what?  Mother fuckers don’t roll up and do shit like that without a reason.  Just because you think you’re a bad ass MMA fuck doesn’t mean you won’t get your ass handed to you.

Know what?  What the fuck were they even doing there to begin with?  Total lack of common sense and no sympathy for you being a fucking dumbass.  I still don’t know why people choose to go over to that region.

It’s called a face wash.......Something hockey players have known about for years but these pussies are just pussies.  Play a real sport.

Ya know that’s all nice and find to get a FI device but then as soon as you leave your’re screwed. Break down on the road a few miles away.....fucked, can’t call anyone.

I’m not saying what he did was wrong but fuck, don’t bring a “Nicole had a party of 13"

Puhleeze.........if you can’t come forward in twenty fucking years. Shut the fuck up. You’re an adult and you knew it was wrong but you glossed it over. Either speak up or shut the fuck up when it happens.

Fat shaming is bullshit.  Love that this girl wants to show it.  Thing is, larger girls are no less desirable than skinny girls.  There are the shallow fucks who shame and live the skeleton life and there are those who embrace these women not only for their bodies but for their minds as well.

Know what??????? Don’t put your children in that situation.  It is YOU who is at fault, no one else. Not the Govt. or anyone.......Just YOU.

No positive drug test..... are no Drew Pearson or Bob Hayes.  Sit down and shut the fuck up because you’re ass is going to get handed to you.

In no way is this discrimination.  There is a reason their levels are lower than’s because they are women. 

ICE is a needed authority. Liberals don’t fucking get that.

Thing’re still medically a man.  That will never change.  You should be forced to use the male bathroom because of that. You don’t go into the doctor complaining about your women parts because you don’t have them.  Why this even is a debate is ridiculous.  Identify how you want but in the end,

Know what? Fuck these bitches.

Fucking football.......nothing but criminals......nothing but douchebags.  Should be banned.