
Bye Bye one wants your shitty team anyway....

OMFG, just another bunch of moronic idiots who think this behavior is acceptable.  IT IS NOT.  Football grows a culture of felons.  This is a proven fact.  You and anyone who support the sport are fucking morons and hypocrites.


Roseanne with a cig is hot!

UFC is a fucking joke.....just a bunch of morons who think beating the shit out of each other is fucking cool.  Most of these tools would get their asses handed to them in a street fight anyway.

“The allegations date from the period 1979 to 1997"

Because NY.......fucking liberals.  Yeah everyone else stands but players.......oh they are special douches who can do what the fuck they want because they make millions.  Fuck you, either stand and respect the flag or get the fuck out. 

Ovals are for pussies.  Why do you think most nascar drivers come from oval dirt tracks?  It’s not a sport and they are NOT athletes.  Fuck, I was doing better shit than them when I was 17-18. These guys are losers who chose to race in an easy setting.

“who has spent the majority of his NFL career suspended for violating the league’s substance abuse policy”

No one gives a’s New York.  What the fuck do they know about sports anywhere else......oh yeah......they don’t.

Let’s not blame the responsible one for letting the pics be taken to begin with. That would just be wrong.

Fuck this pussy. He’s a disgrace to this country. If you want to protest, fine but don’t do it during the anthem, that is just lack of class.

OMG, get the fuck over it.  You’re not special and you won’t be.

Cunt.........lock her ass up!

Why give a shit?

When women stop being dumb mother blacked out drunk...maybe shit will change.  If you continue to put yourself in bad situations......well.........

Don’t be a pussy and take care of the shit yourself.  Why cry to mommy? You are NOT a man.

Does that really matter?

who appeared intoxicated “

He’s a fat guy.........what’s the problem?