
“I never threaten to turn the car around. That’s a cliché and an empty threat”

Football is a sport for pussies and felons.  Get a real job like hockey when you’re getting your ass handed to you on a day to day basis.  Until then......shut the fuck up you morons.

Society has been crumbling apart since corporal punishment was removed from schools.  Keep living in your little bubble.  You are clueless.

Society is fucked up. Bunch of it wasn’t me, I’m not responsible fucks.

“no drive from society to push cops to act better”

These people need to STFU already. This country still needs the oil and will continue to need it for the near future.

Another day in the National Felon League.......

Maybe they should have read the contract.....and then if shit happened........why put up with it. 

Oh but she’s not a shitbag to begin with.......right....

Ya know.....until blacks stop calling their self’s the N word.....fuck them and the racist shit they portray.

Call me a racist if you want. Can’t dispute facts and put blame where blame lies. Doesn’t matter black,white or whatever.

Why am I supposed to feel sorry for a family who couldn’t even go out and dig ditches to keep that electric on?

Again, lesbians are hypocrites.  Using a phallic symbol to pleasure yourself makes you that.  End of story.........just a fucking fact.

Sorry but employee got best of him.  Just goes to show he’s the felon that shouldn’t play football at all.

It’s called take a fucking job where you can get it instead of milking the system driving around in your Escalade.

It’s called pay your fucking bills...

Don’t come here to try and have your piece of shit.  Either enter legally or have your devil spawn in your own fucking country.

Yeah because it’s not the parents fault at all right???

Hell yeah, breastfeeding is hot!!

Lesbians are hypocrites. Just a fact. They hate men but yet they use phallic items in their sexcapades.