
Does it fucking matter?  These morons met the fate they should have.  Move on.

“three of the warmest, kindest, most driven and outgoing people that you could ever meet, and the world has lost a great deal of light with their passing.”

That’s when you just beat the shit out of them and the dude should have gotten shot and be dead.  Fuck these criminals who think they are the shit.

Can I just have sex with her now????

Vanita Gupta is a moron. You do have the right to your opinion in this country but violence isn’t the answer no matter what side you’re on.....

Maybe their douchebag worthless parents shouldn’t have put the kids in this place to begin with........oh but society doesn’t place blame where it lies anymore.

Who’s blaming the parents for putting their kids knowingly in this situation to begin with.........Yeah no one except the common sense people in this world.

Fuck you and the let’s let criminals off with nothing society that you belong to.

Nappy ass looking bitch........should have stuck with your previous look. Now you just look like a butch bitch trying to make some other name for yourself.

Who the fuck cares? He’s a no talented POS who wants to make himself look like the cream of the crop.

Until these fucks realize you aren’t will continue. I don’t give a fuck what happened to your Great Grandaddy because I wasn’t alive then. Step your fucking game up and quit whining like little bitches who deserve something.

Not saying Jeremy isn’t a douche but Ginger Lynn......who’d fuck a goddamn bedpost if she could get paid for it......yeah right.

Dems have no spine and never will.

Mel B is just hot hot hot!!!

Good, someone should blame the parents for putting the kids in this place to begin with......oh but we know liberals won’t do that.......

Yep, no wonder she opted out........Who cares about this lying bitch anyway?

What’s funny is all these loser douchebags around here still promote their Baylor stickers and license plates....I would not want to be associated with that school whatsoever.  FYI...never went there.

You try to look like a bad ass, you are nothing but a cunt.  If you can’t fend off some kind of sexual need to leave this earth. 

Unions suck, period.

When you come from a religion build on hate.....this is what you get.