
At least someone defamed a restaurant who is a piece of shit.

This is absolutely the nastiest shit I’ve ever seen....pun intended. Fucking prison looking shit. Who the hell could even ever think that shit is sexy?

Bot smot......No one blames the parents for knowingly putting the kids in that situation to begin with......Great parenting skills!

This...........exactly this.  One of the few stories that don’t involve race, bias or anything else.  A human helping another.

Why the hell are there even BET awards? Just because you’re black doesn’t mean you’re special or anything else. And if there were “WET” awards oh how the crying would begin.

Arteaga was told that her pregnancy would end in miscarriag”  And every doctor is right..........right?

You can’t change history, it should be known whether people like it or not.....IE Slavery.

Of course they’re demo.......liberal fucks can’t realize it’s a problem.  Piss on you!

Boy if this ain’t a racist thing......Let’s give blacks another reason to think they’re special.

Screw the bitch, you enter take the consequences.

Any chef who balks at a well done order of anything isn’t worth a damn.  If you can’t cook something well done and be juicy, then you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing and shouldn’t be in the business.

An idiot being an idiot......nothing to see here....move on

Do you actually have proof she was sober for 6 years?

Wait.......isn’t this the bitch who came in illegally riding an innertube across the river?

Another episode of rewarding criminals.

So what you do is pop the fuckers in the head...when they turn around, push an anonymous round shaped object against their head.  Yeah......they won’t make a fucking sound then.

“Tyneeh” and white people are promoting black stereotypes.......

It was already in shambles due to the fact that their government..not the feds didn’t give a shit about the people or the infrastructure.

What a cunt!

Oh man, why would anyone listen to this blowhard of a person? She’s totally a baseless idiot who only cares about her image and fame. She has no real opinions. Why blind sheep follow her.......well blind sheep.