
“Because NFL owners are quite stupid”

Shut up bitches. You know you’re there to be sexy. No one gives a fuck about your routines. That’s what cheerleaders have been about forever.

Yep, took the cowardly way out. Sad for her kid.

Obviously you don’t know how farm subsidies work.

“we should have universal access to mental health services for everyone”

MMA——Morons of Martial Arts.

Guess what.........if you didn’t think getting your head rocked would fuck you up.......then you’re a moron. NFL players do NOT deserve compensation for choices THEY made. If they say they didn’t know......they are full of shit!

Well said!

Screw Philly and the Eagles. Protest all you want but to 99% of look like childish douchebags.

You’re a paralympian, plain and simple. Doesn’t matter if you outrun fuckers with real legs. You have the spring advantage. If you start allowing this shit, everything will be even more screwed up than it already is.

Fuck Lebron, Curry and all the NBA fags. Even the pussy ass Eagles. Sports teams are a disgrace to society now.

Murray was a stellar High School QB. He was groomed from the start. Whichever way he goes, wish him well.

Just another parenting fail. And people wonder why shit is so fucked up. Seriously, no person under 18 should have any kind of social media account. Be it YouTube, Twitter, SnatchChat or Facebook.

Yeah Jimmy, show up and try to make it look like you’re a good guy. You’re still an idiotic moron and that won’t change.

So let’s touch on this. Fuck the teen, get fucking deported and let your own country deal with it. Simple.

Bill “Fucking” Clinton..the pres who said fuck you to the military and no pay raise, the pres who said fuck Osama and said it wasn’t a big deal and the pres who fucked and let Monica blow him. All in office. But yet Trump is a douche for doing it outside of the office. Fucking hypocrites.

About time, this fucking double standard shit needs to go. So you either have free religion or you have to bow to the ones who complain about it. Finally someone says different.

NFL players can suck donkey nuts. You know there’s a risk of injury but you want to whine like bitches when it happens and expect compensation. And yes.......if you protest the flag.....GTFO. You can protest in other ways.

Just another reason this so called “sport” is fucking ridiculous.