
Can I hump Maria now?

Fuck Brown. You act like a douche, get treated like a douche. No normal person gives a flying fuck who you are.

Wow why would a girl even be with a douche who was in prison???? Oh because she’s a douche herself.

“Some of these changes are part of the natural course of ecological successio”

Just kick the douchebag out. Easy Peasy.

Seriously, dude died in 93..

Private schools shouldn’t even be considered for rankings. The recruiting tactics they use and get by with.....public schools cannot do.

Thing is........if you have a’re a male medically. If you have a’re a female medically.

Know what......Sick of hearing about Puerto Rican’s bitch in that the feds ain’t doing enough. You should blame your own fucking local government for putting you in this place to begin with. Shitty infrastructure and no updates. But didn’t think about that shit when you voted fuckers in did you?

Awwwwwwww. Shouldn’t have thought you could come here unabated. Fucking criminals.

Maybe the fucktard should have had the necessary tests to understand if you have a heart or any other problem.

Fuck Ito.

These diesel fags........oh man....they can’t tune their engines for shit. EcoBoost Turbo will lay them to waste any day of the week.

Only fucknuts from Cali would come up with such a ridiculous idea.

This bitch isn’t dead yet?

Gonna be an unpopular opinion but woman have too much power. A couple of words.......true or not can fuck someone’s life forever. Oh turn it around and you’ll just get laughed at.

Fuck you Rose. You were something, now you’re nothing. Go the fuck away!

Has anyone realized this is fucking retail? Just because you work in shitty ass retail doesn’t entitle you to mass fucking benefits nor clout. Thing is, better yourself, it’s what 99% of the rest of us have to do to find a “better” job. There’s always been SHIT jobs out there for a reason......they are a stepping

Thing is.....what else lurks? He’s not a fucking hero and he’s not a fucking saint. He’s a crybaby douche who will get his in the end.

Thing know it’s banned but you do it anyway. Draconian laws or not, ultimately you made that fucking choice.