
Which is scary as fucking shit because they are morons who’ve been raised by a generation of parents who have no common sense and believe their kids are entitled to a say and haven’t taught them how to handle bullying, rejection or most anything else. This country is on a downhill slide.

This woman is a grade A cunt. She just needs to die.

Who but a douchebag like Coburn would completely rip the sweater off and taunt him with it.......fuck weren’t relevant in Philly and you damn sure aren’t relevant now.

As a Pens fan, your opinion doesn’t matter........

I’d like to see Ovi win a cup in his career but not this year! #LetsGoKnights

Fuck women, have too much power to kill the life of anyone they don’t like. Same with fucking kids should not have a voice nor should they have power. You people are the ones who have fucked society up.

And this is just the type of guy who should NOT have access to guns.

Here’s the thing. If you have a dick you are male. If you have a vagina, you are female. You can identify with whatever you like but’re still what’s attached to you.

This show and many others should not be available to kids. None of this type of shit was available when I was younger and everything now just glamorizes criminal behavior.

Soooooooo Prachi.... Tell me how this is a racist agency when they are only going after people who broke the fucking law to begin with???

And this my friends is why California is one of the most fucked up financed state in the US. So liberal they forget about common sense.

doing more to require that people lock up their guns.......

Two words here.....

Get to the root of the fucking idiotic kids are raised today. Basically they aren’t because their parents are brain dead wastes who can’t teach a kid that killing isn’t ok and gives them access to the weapons to do it.

First one, just walk the fuck away. You have a job, he doesn’t. Therefore you can afford to get a place and let him spiral into whatever shit he’s going to spiral into.

Afterlook from steroid withdrawl...

A pussy, no if’s and’s or but’s. Hyphenation is fucking stupid btw.

Damn not ready for a woman prez though. Too much emotional decision making instead of logical.

Obviously you know nothing. Pasteurization hasn’t been around forever and people were fine drinking raw milk and didn’t die or get sick. Check your shit before making such a dumb ass blanket statement.

Their both ignorant fucks who aren’t relevant anyway.