
WTH is wrong with this? It’s not like saying hey....this is how you fuck them. GTFO.......get the fuck over this shit.

Who cares...she’s hot!!!’s the National Felon League

Ya know what........wear the fucking uniform and shut the fuck up.

No surprise he’s black.....

Welcome to the world the south has been living in forever. Nice to see someone else get hammered with baseball hail.

Hope that POS gets his ass handed to him on a platter.

Here’s the problem.........if you were 20 and girl was 15 even 30 years ago, you can get prosecuted. This is bullshit. Women have too much power to ruin a person’s life when 90% of the time it was consensual.

Sorry but if you’re born a man, you’re still a man until you get a vag. And medical treatment should treat you as your birth sex. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had your penis turned into a’re still a male no matter what hormones you take and medically that’s completely true. Can’t deny the facts. Don’t @

Know what.........I don’t give a shit. If you end up in prison and you’re don’t deserve to have a child. Too many brainless fucks have children nowadays.

Where’s the whole video mother fuckers?

Yah know what’re nothing but a bunch of fucked up assholes. Just like the rest of the middle east. If you kill each other off, the world would be a better place!

Fucxk Tampa....Caps all the way!!!

and we thought America was prudish.......

Alex used to play for the Allen Americans of the ECHL. Really stand up guy and wicked good.

You should be more worried about the noxious crap that’s put into the air by everything else including cars. The normal air you breathe is horrible.

“This barbaric behavior has to stop, it’s going to stop, today”

It gets you out of killing people so you probably are right...

Why the fuck are we still talking about slavery?

Another example of why school taxes keep rising.....