
Fuck all you morons in prison. You don’t deserve fap material. As a matter of fact, you deserve nothing except the shitty time you spend there.

“When equipped on motorhomes—commonly used for travel on highways at speeds well above 65 mph”

Wow this guy is a tool. Slipped a mickey?? Seriously......he had coke in his system....that’s not a Mickey....

Maybe just maybe the idiot shouldn’t have gotten out. Just saying.

Wrong, Luongo follows the stick as he thinks the puck is there.

Wow, the only tool I see here is you. It’s obvious you have issues. Maybe some Seroquel will help you with your issues.

Fuck that, why apologize?

It’s called don’t fuck if you can’t afford to care for the human you create. Stupid ass people.

Nice article and good timing as well. Have seen the dreaded green clouds many many times and yes they are really good indicators of massive hail and a possible tornado.

Needs to stop being a blowhard. Laws aren’t going to fix things. It’s a pipe dream.

Hate cyclists, they don’t abide by rules of the road and impede traffic. Why the fuck would you ride your damn bike on a 55mph two lane road during rush hour time? Unless you’re only wanting to piss people off.

Not really......depends on where you are.

Fuck these protesters! You bilk me out of hard earned money that I paid to see a game and you’ll get your ass handed to you. What the fuck is wrong with these people screwing over others to get their point across.....which it really doesn’t and only serves to piss off the ones they are screwing.

“chopped off his right thumb”

Should have his license revoked and never be able to drive a car again...if you’re that stupid, you don’t need to be behind a wheel.

But this isn’t a religious/culture thing........

“They have to parade around, wearing next to nothing, but they’re not allowed control over their bodies when they’re not working. They can’t socialize with whomever they want, and they have to police themselves constantly in case the players come calling.”

Two words...Fuck Bennett

Worlds are nothing, you’ll be remembered as the Olympic choker.....

Vince is irrelevant, he’s a fuck up.