
Won’t happen if the dickless dems are in office either.....

First letter........absolutely she should get rid of them. There’s a reason they got divorced.

You get paid to fuck......this is a non issue. Now go back to porn or your house in shithole Forney Texas.

But yet they step up and fuck him anyway......paid or not. Which means it’s not for his looks or his personality...

Well you don’t march down a fucking Interstate freeway. Fucking morons. I’d take the rap for running some of them down. Don’t inconvenience others because you are dumb.

“We don’t really know for sure about the ‘causality’ here,”

Poor choice, live with it...

Oh but let’s not cross outside of a crosswalk.....LOL

And that “Panic Swerve” can cause just as much damage if it happpens.

Sounds like Puerto Rico’s government was ill prepared for this itself as well.

My girlfriend wonders why it takes so long for people to out with their claims....I tend to wonder as well.

And the feds should swoop her up and deport her...

“Miguel Perez Jr. is a 39-year old Chicagoan”

There should be a special jail for stupid people where they get locked up and the key thrown away.....oh wait.....those are Mental Institutions.

Ancient climate change.......who woulda thunk?

Why are these types of systems even accessible in the first place. They should be on private networks with absolutely no connection or even a firewalled connection to the outside. Really simple concept.

Stupidity abound, but hey that’s what these entitled fucks think....Awww we’re invincible, we don’t need no emergency shit. Well they paid the price for that line of thinking.

No, a hearty fuck you to the students who think they actually have rights. You are in school to learn shit, not because you know shit. Fucking entitled generation.

Maybe the Africans who initiated it all should have provided “reparations” No one is owed nothing now.

“more talented Jamaican artists”